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tv   Fox and Friends Saturday  FOX News  September 16, 2017 3:00am-7:00am PDT

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♪ [national anthem] >> this is a fox news alert. chaos and violence erupting in the city of st. louis after the acquitting of a former white police officer acquitted following the shooting of a black man. >> 8 police officers have been injured. we know that. so injuries are due to brings that were thrown at them. >> now can you see the protesters are coming across the street into open traffic. >> move back. move back. move back. >> police lives matter, too. period. >> after another london terror attack, president trump urges the u.s. to get nasty. >> radical islamic terrorism, it will be
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irradicated, believe me. >> north korea's missile launch yesterday went further than any previous missile launch fired by kim jong un's regime. >> we have been kicking the can down the road. we are out of road. there is a military option. >> all he wanted to do was mow the white house lawn. >> mr. franks is going to be very famous. a navy seal some day. maybe he will be president. ♪ ♪ >> and we begin with a fox news alert. an american flag in flames and police under attack. a former officer's acquittal sparking violence in st. louis. abby: we now know 32 protesters are under arrest and at least 10 police officers have been injured. todd: griff jenkins outside the mayor's house in st. louis with the very latest. good morning. >> good morning, guys. violence again in the streets of st. louis. as you mentioned, 32 arrests. 10 officers injured. nine are st. louis cops.
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one highway patrolman and it cull main nateed here last night outside of the mayor's house. i want to show the mayor. come with me, rick, we will give you a quick look at what happened. this, of course, follows the acquittal yesterday morning of st. louis police officer jason stockily accused of the murder of anthony lamar smith in 2011. this is where the protesters were throwing rocks at police who were injured. two more seriously. most all nonlife threatening. you can see where they grabbed these rocks and converged on the mayor's house, which is an interesting response. because the mayor had been largely sympathetic to protesters and to this case. and then if i bring you -- i know this is a bit dark here, you can see the window here that is smashed literally just salting it we understand the mayor is not home at this hour. she has been taken to another location for her safety.
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but, clearly, a lot of destruction occurring last night. here is acting police chief lawrence o'toole last night after it all sort of wound down. take a listen. >> many of the demonstrators were peaceful. however, after dark, many agitators began to destroy property and assault police officers. orders to disperse were given numerous times, tear gas was deployed after officers were assaulted with bricks and bottles. >> so, we see the chant the protesters were told that there will be marches again today. now, it started peaceful. in march from downtown where the verdict was issued from judge wilson. he issued the verdict by email. the protesters gathered downtown in the courthouse. and they marched here to the courthouse ultimately in central west end about five miles from there. this, of course, three years after all the time we spent here in ferguson.
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more of that sort of thing, perhaps playing out here again later today. there is a lot of events going on to include a u2 concert. police are taking no chances at securing situation here. but it's quiet here this morning. so we're going to bring it to you as it comes. pete: we will bring in former d.c. police detective and defense attorney and fox news contributor ted williams. dicey situation in st. louis. a lot of emotions. this acquittal, what do you make of it all? >> well, you know, it was a very dicey situation. but you have to wonder, guys, was this a political prosecution? let me take you back. this was 2011. the justice department was in the hands of the then president of the united states barack obama. well, the fbi interviewed
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stockily in 20122012. if they felt they had killed this man intentionally the justice department in 2016 could have brought civil charges against the police officer. when you look at the facts of this case, here it is these two officers are confronted with a possible drug transaction. the guy in the car, mr. smith, takes off and he winds up hitting their car twice. there's a high speed chase that went on. as a result of that, the officer, stockley, did in fact shoot and kill this manual. the question was did he intentionally do it? well, what our audience needs to understanding is that police officers have a right, if, in fact, they fear for their life, they
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can take deadly force. the only questionable incident is after the shooting. and that where on the gun that the smith was alleged to have had, the d.n.a. only of stockley was found on that gun. but that was after the fact. so, there are a lot of questions here. but what we need to understand is that law enforcement officers, black and white, put their lives on the line every day. and in this country we have had numerous police officers. as a matter of fact, this year alone, 93 killed. abby: this incident happened back in 2011. that was before the flights ferguson. before the riots in baltimore. how have police officers been trained since then? are they better prepared to handle these riots when they break out?
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>> i must tell that you is a good question and the answer is absolutely yes. police officers now form what is are known as like pay links. that means they are close together and they take care of the situation. and move out right away, meaning if the there are agitators in the crowd they will immediately arrest them and get back. what our viewers must understand is these brave men and women, they want to go home at night. they are not out there just wanting to kill people. yeah, we have bad apple apples n police departments, we can't paint all police officers with a broad brush and say that they all are just out there to harm the citizens in this country. todd: thank you for your eyes this morning. pete: when you throw bricks, you are not protesting.
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>> abby: i love his perspective. he knows a lot about this stuff. we will keep following this story all morning long. there are other headlines starting with this one. a federal judge temporarily blocks the justice department safety grant to sanctuary cities that don't cooperate with the crackdown on illegal immigration. district judge ruling that jeff setion overruled his authority by threatening to withhold funds. calling a win for that city after it sued the city over immigration requirements. and the first lawsuit now being filed against a florida nursing home where 8 people died. a power outage from hurricane irma shutting down the airconditioning system leaving patients in sweltering heat. a victim's family suing the rehabilitation center of hollywood hills for neglect. this as the nursing home claims several state agencies never responded to their pleas for help. the governor disputes those claims. and two executives are now out as the fall-out grows
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for equifax after massive security breach. chief information officer and chief security officer are retiring. this comes a week ever a security breach may have exposed personal data for up to 143 million americans. equifax is under investigation by the fbi and ftc as class action lawsuits are in. pete: i think i'm one of them. i haven't found out yet. abby: miraculous run for the indians comes to an end. >> kansas city royals has ended the indians historic win streak at 22 in a row. abby: the kansas city royals beating the indians 4 to 3. setting the winning streak 22. the tribe was four games shy of the official major league record of 26 wins. todd: write it down, dodgers, indians, 2017 world series. only on fox. that's my prediction. pete: we will play that tape back when it does not
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happen. abby: we have you on record. there has been a lot of news the last couple of days. two days ago another missile launch by north korea over japan. pete: higher altitude over japan as you said. potentially a direct threat to guam. and kim jong un has doubled down now. he vows to complete the nuclear program he set upon. despite overwhelming and increasing sanctions from the west entrepreneurship has a message for him and yesterday came out as w. a clear statement as he has in the past about what will happen if he continues on this path. take a listen. >> but our aviators have given american total dominant of the air and space, no matter where we fly. now when our enemies hear the f-35 engines. when their roaring overhead, their souls will tremble and they will know the day of reckoning has arrived. todd: not just talking about north korea, obviously that's the focus.
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president trump means any enemy. any enemy of these great united states is going to meet the full wrath of our power and our might if they reckon with us. pete: the big question is when is the day of reckoning when it comes to north korea. they tested missiles and icbms. talking about the dave reckoning. no doubt is he serious and readings through a teleprompter. thought through it question is not a lot of great options and the longer you kick the can down the road the worse those options are. abby: that's what u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley was saying no. longer kicking the can down the road we do have military options if it comes to that. here is what she said. >> they continue to be reckless and at that point there is not a whole lot the security council is going to be able to do from here when you have cut 90% of the trade and 30% of the oil. so, having said that i have no problem kicking it to general mattis because i think he has plenty of
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options. abby: i don't think any of us have a problem giving it to general james mattis because he has this way of talking in this calm manner but the words that he uses are as tough as they get. i would say way the administration has handled this so far is the right way. because at this point going to war with north korea is about the last option anyone wants. so having this tough rhetoric and building up the military in that region, south korea, japan, threatening china in that region, that is the direction we need to continue to go because china's biggest concern is us going to war with north korea. because that would be horrible for china and i say this every time on this show, but china is going to continue to be the number one player in this. todd: 100 percent correct. pete: china is not our friend. china doesn't have our interest in mind. abby: we have a lot of people who are not our friend have to figure out a way to work with strategically. pete: often sometimes sanctions don't work and it comes down to brass tacks of
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military options. that's exactly what nikki haley is saying here. ultimately shoot something down. a true demonstration of force or take out kim jong un and his capabilities. do you want to live in a world where have you permanent blackmail or are in a world where we are secure and don't live under that threat. that's the decision inside this white house at this point. it's a really, really tough one. military options get worse as you wait longer. abby: that's why every president you go back to george h.w. bush every president has struggled with north korea because when you do lay out the options on the table there are nod noe good ones and that's the case today. todd: they are not sitting down over lunch in switzerland to hash this out. you have to have the dual strategy. pete: i have dual tracks submarines and f-35s. todd: london subway attack. we will have the breaking details straight ahead. pete: plus, president trump close to making a deal with democrats on the dreamer program. how with his core supporters
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react? governor mike huckabee is coming up and we'll talk about that. ♪ that na na na na ♪ i i feel a rock star ♪ call in the next ten minutes to save on... and if that's not enough, we'll look after your every dollar. put down the phone. and if that's not enough, we'll look after your every cent. grab your wallet. access denied. and if that's still not enough to help you save... ooo i need these! we'll just bring out the snowplow. you don't need those! we'll do anything, seriously anything, to help our customers. thanks. ally. do it right. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,... ...isn't it time to let the real you shine through? maybe it's time for otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,... ...with reduced redness,...
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no questions asked. can you believe that? no. the claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. ♪ pete: we are back with a fox news alert. british police arrest an 18-year-old in connection with the terror attack on a packed london train during rush hour. this as isis has claimed responsibility for the explosion that injured more than two dozen people. so how do we prevent these kind of attacks on our homeland? let's ask former cia station chief who served in moscow, iraq and pakistan daniel hoffman. thank you for joining us this morning. what do you make of isis's claim of responsibility and this arrest in this development? >> well, i would first highlight that, you know, there are a lot more unknowns than knowns in this case. british, scott land yard and the intelligence community there is mounting a full-court press to collect as much information as they can. was this a lone wolf attack?
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was there a network behind this 18-year-old? really lots of questions to be answered. we do know at least preliminarily forensics indicate the ied was not very sophisticated and what that might mean is that there wasn't much additional support that was required. it might have obviated the need for bombmaker which is typical in al qaeda operations. pete: this the fifth terror attack in the u.k. just this year. describe to our viewers the depth of the problem they're facing right now? >> i think they are facing a significant problem inside the u.k. but we are globally facing a significant problem. you know, one lesson from 9/11 was not to allow radical extremists and terrorists to enjoy ungoverned geographic space to plot and plan against. this even though we have done what we can to prevent that although not effectively in syria in the previous administration, today terrorists enjoy ungoverned cyberspace in which to communicate and plan. and i think that's one thing that the british will be
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looking at in this case is the extent to which this individual might have been radicalized. it's very hard to track people that way when they are communicating and communicating in cyberspace. pete: daniel, i have got to ask you that trees that is amay's response was i was underwhelmed. go to war with cyber face. i get it it's a tool. it's a tool used by radical islamic terrorists. how do you get at the tool but also the source which is this ideology that seems to be spreading? >> well, i think that the ideology is feeding off of certainly off of failed states. there are plenty of those. south asia in the middle east. and it's gaining quite a bit of traction and individuals even in the west are finding some adherence to, you know, what is radical riding others in those parts of the world. certainly we need to deal with that ideological challenge. but it does put a premium on being able to collect intelligence in cyberspace
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and marry that up with all the other intelligence we obtain to produce really effective tactical intelligence to prevent attacks like this. i'm sure we are working closely with our british counterparts to ensure there isn't sort of nexus to the united states in this case. pete: daniel, very briefly, are you confident that our authorities are on top of plots like this in the united states. >> absolutely. i think our state and local law enforcement coupled with our intelligence community does an outstanding job of collecting the intelligence and taking action where appropriate to keep us safe. pete: let's hope so, daniel hoffman, thanks for your expertise, we appreciate it. >> thank you. pete: hillary clinton sounding the laundr alarm about president trump. >> this president and people around him pose a real and present danger to our country. >> a clear and present danger. really? governor huckabee here to react to that next. plus, this criminal justice professor tweets it's a privilege to teach future
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abby: 25 minutes after the hour. we are back with quick headlines, the pentagon will allow transgender troops currently in the military to reenlist in the next several months. new guidance comes as a high level panel comes implement transgender ban in the military. department of defense will submit its plan to the president by mid february. and we are now learning a raptured-gas line injuring 14 marines and navy sailor at fort pendleton. they believe it ran over a pipeline rupturing it and somehow starting a fire on
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board. todd: president trump striking a deal on daca. will his base stick with him? former governor of arkansas. former g.o.p. presidential candidate and fox news contributor mike huckabee up real early with us this morning. abby: how do we convince to you get up so early. that's what i want to know. >> it's called an alarm clock. it's amazing what those things will do going off in your ear. not pleasant, however. abby: we love it though. we appreciate it. todd: yesterday i was in altoona, pennsylvania, talking to the voters about whether or not they agree with president trump working with democrats. yip what answer i was going to get and to a man and to a woman, his base supports him in this. is that your experience? >> it is, todd. and by the way it looks like had you a great breakfast and thanks for bringing some for all of us. todd: it's on its way. fedex to arkansas. >> the president's base is going to stay with him because at least they though the republicans are the ones
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that are stone walling everything is he trying to get done in congress right now. you saw that little boy who was cutting the white house lawn. the new joke is do you know what you get when you cross a goat with congress? a weed eater that doesn't work. that's kind of what we are facing is a congress that is getting nothing done. people who support the president want him to get something done. and if he is willing to work with democrats to do it, that's fine. here is what i do think has to happen. daca is not unacceptable. in fact, for many of us, me included, i want there to be a way for these people who came as children to be able to have a pathway. they should. and i'm for that it needs to be done legally, not unconstitutionally like president obama did it. but congress needs to take that action. and the president gave them a generous six months to get something done that shouldn't be that hard. now, it is important to secure the border. that's gotta happen. so if he does daca, i think
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he can get the border secure. if he does the border, i think he can do daca. if he only does daca and doesn't secure the border, i think that's going to be problematic for the president and his supporters. but i don't think that's what he is going to do. abby: that means democrats have to give something up. that's how you make a deal. you get something. you give something bad. where do democrats stand when it comes to border security? because if that is a place where they're going to give a little bit, what is their strategy? what is their plan. >> he needs to sit down with them and remind them that the republican have the majority in the house, the senate, and they have the white house. he is willing to give them something. he doesn't have to, but he is willing to give them something and he wants to give them something because he wants this to be something that all americans can embrace. but then he needs to play a little hard ball. look, in politics, i'm sorry, but sometimes you have to throw one high and inside, you know, and make them step back from the plate a little bit and know that you are serious. and then he has to tell them, guys, if you don't
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want something, then we will take it all and you will be sitting there with your hands in your pocket. that's where the president has got to play the hard ball. i think he will do that. he is a strong dealmaker. but he is not stupid and he's not going to go and make a deal where he gives away everything and gets nothing in return. pete: the problem, governor, they haven't shown the ability to take it all. at what point do republicans actually receive the message or do you think, as many have posited that someone like paul ryan is frankly more sympathetic to these open borders, daca approach than president trump is and willing to work with democrats on that because he has never been for this president's agenda? there is a real concern there. >> if that's the case, then there are going to be at love republicans going home next year. and frankly if they can't get the job done, they should. look. i said yesterday on twitter that that little kid who mowed the lawn, frank. maybe, you know, is he actually working. maybe they need to put him in congress and send the other members home because
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he actually does show up and get something done. and i'm just not seeing it and this is very frustrating but i'm really more and more convinced that there are a lot of the republicans in washington who aren't afraid that donald trump will fail. they're afraid he will succeed. and he really will drain the swamp. todd: when you go throughout i'm telling you people are so mad at republicans in congress. >> yes. todd: switch gears to the woman who did want the white house hillary clinton. let's hear what sheside h. to say on another network discussing our commander-in-chief. >> i'm hoping on the really big issues, there's enough authority to be able to restrain and contain the president. that's what we all have to hope. i think this president and some of the people around him pose a clear and present danger to our country. todd: that is an accusation, governor. how do you respond? >> well, you know, i just remember that the reports on election night it wasn't
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donald trump lying on the floor screaming and in a fetal position. why are some of these dangers there like iran and north korea? well, her husband was president when we made this ridiculous deal with north korea that allowed them to continue to the point now they are ready to light the candle on a nuclear new nuke intercontinental ballistic missile. move toward the iranian deal allowing them to develop toward a nuclear device. so when she talks about a clear and present danger, i think that would have been what this country would have faced had the election turned out differently. and it's just amazing to me that she still cannot accept she lost. she did not win the election. donald trump did. he is the president. and she should show a little respect there. abby: maybe a little humility would go a long way. >> don't count on it. todd: have a great day. abby: coming up, hurricane
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jose is spinning in the atlantic and closing in on the east coast. what impact will had had have? rick reichmuth is tracking that storm. pete: espn's president says they are not a political organization. but the host who called president trump a white supremacist hasn't been punished. why the double standard? we'll bring that to you. todd: of course have more on top story violent protest erupting in st. louis. dozens of arrests. several officers hurt. lawrence jones says everybody needs to take a step back right now. he joins us next. but "yes" is here. the new app will go live monday? yeah. with hewlett-packard enterprise, we're transforming the way we work. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes. you don't let anything lkeep you sidelined. come on! that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein, and 26 vitamins and minerals... for the strength and energy, to get back to doing what you love. ensure, always be you.
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♪ [bleep] pete: images from yesterday and we are right to a fox news alert. an american flag in flames and police under attack. a former officer's acquittal sparking violence in st. louis. abby: we now know that 32 protesters are under arrest. at least 10 police officers have been injured. two of those officers have been taken to the hospital. todd: this is all in relation to the acquittal of a white police officer in the shooting death of a black man. as you can see obviously there in st. louis, turning violent overnight. it's a situation that the evidence is pretty interesting. you need to go deep and you need to read it before you jump to any conclusions on this case because it is not as simple as these protesters would like to us believe. todd: not clear what the american flag has to do with an officer being acquitted in what is a complicated situation involved a
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potential bust. he thought of a drug deal. it was a weapon involved there is a vehicle involved. a long trial. and ultimately an an acquittal from one judge and reaction yesterday with protests outside the mayor's office which included the burning of this american flag as well as bricks being thrown. it ceases to be a protest. todd: i like that point that you made. pete: that's a violent riot at which point you see the 32 arrested. unfortunately 10 police officers injured in the process. abby: we want to bring in lawrence jones now a host for the blaze. this is an issue that you are often on the show talking about. emotions run incredibly high. we are talking about the violence. if you compare this to riots and protests that have broken out in years past. recent years. baltimore and ferguson. this was, it seemed, far more peaceful. either way though, this shouldn't be happening. you say we all need to take a step back. >> yeah. good morning, family. i go to most of these protests to see what's happening on the ground because i don't want to see what the media is talking
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about. i think it's important to note this, abby, i understanding the pain between the community and the police. i get that and get people wanting to make judgments on cases. after have you these emotional fits, you have to look at the facts. and i think it's important when you look at this case, there was so much doubt in this case that even though obama administration, the doj, that is normally quick to rush to judgment didn't even get involved. remember, this happened before the mike brown incident. and the doj took the mike brown case before they took this case because there was just so much doubt. i would encourage everyone. i get it. i get how emotions run high on these issues and i get what's happening in these communities. but you have to take a step back and look at the facts. in a court of law, it's not about your emotions. it's about what can you prove to a jury. todd: lawrence you, but i mean have you got folks showing up in masks with
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clubs, with weapons, whether it's black lives matter or antifa or an amull go an amalgan thereof. dancing on the top of police cars, that's not a legitimate protest. this is rioting. at what point do we call it that and deal with it that way. >> the moment it turns violent is a riot. i would encourage people to go back and i was there when the sentencing happened for mike brown. when the arrest reports came out after it was all said and done, 70 to 80% of the people that looted, rioted were people that were from outside of st. louis in ferguson. so what you are seeing is that a lot of these leftist agitators like antifa are being wit bust you had in by the liberals to create this chaos. remember, a lot of these businesses that were torched during the ferguson decision are still rebuilding back from 2014. so what you don't realize is a lot of people don't realize is that this is really knot the city doing this. these are people that are
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paid to create chaos. abby: oftentimes as you were saying, todd, too. they don't always understand all the facts involved in the actual case. >> they don't. todd: let's go to espn, 4-letter network. kathy griffin saying sorry, not sorry. the point some people are wondering, why is it okay when liberals do this but if a conservative says anything that sort of smacks of controversy, they're fired immediately, they're on every single news network, it is a huge hula b ballou in america? >> i believe in free speech. jemele is a great sports commentator. shy should stay in the sports arena. the problem with espn is that not that they are allowing the liberals to speak vocally. it's the matter of not letting their conservative commentators that have their political ideology speak their mind. and there seems to be, from
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the curt schilling, a double standard when it comes to the host. so people aren't outraged because she said what she said because she has a first amendment. although she is wrong about it. it's the fact that they have a double standard for their other commentators is why people are so outraged. pete: lawrence, the president of espn put out a memo tomorrow employees are a this incident and it said in light of recent events we need to remind ourselves we are a journalistic organization and we should not do anything that undermines that position. we also know that espn is a special place and our success is based on you and your colleague's work. let's not let the public. >> too late. >> i will need your support if we are to succeed. you mentioned double standard, lawrence. is there not one standard? isn't it clear that espn has made its bed? it's a news room full of leftists that also do sports. they take one perspective. conservatives are not welcome. >> right, exactly. that's what i was saying as you were reading the
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statement. they talked about journalism. i said it's too late. it's too late. during the campaign you see different issues that are social issues. in the movement of the leftists today. and they are vocal about it when you see people that may have a conservative leaning that come on the network, they are bullied. they sometimes -- you don't see them back on air. they are fired. the standard is pretty clear right now based on espn's record. and if they really value the first amendment or if they just want to be journalists, stick to what you do, covering sports. and we won't have any problem. abby: yeah. and actions always speak a lot louder than any words can. lawrps, we appreciate having you. good to see you. >> thanks, family. y'all take care. todd: last week this time all eyes were on irma, we were doing wall-to-wall coverage on that hurricane. unfortunately some extreme weather may be headed for the northeast now as
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tropical storm jose has become a hurricane again. accepted it over to rick. we are a little bit concerned about this when we kind of sort of maybe let our guard down we're done. rick: i don't know who let their guard down. pete: rick never let's his guard down. don't let your guard down behind jose to be honest with you. jose, the one right behind irma, the one that also went very close towards islands that got hit as well. still dealing with it. it made this little loop this week. category 1 hurricane again. back and forth between a hurricane and tropical storm. parts of the northeast are in the cone here, including parts of long island, connecticut in towards cape cod. overall model this is in pretty good agreement. we are going to have impacts including beach erosion the waves the storm has been out here so long produced a lot of wave energy, battering ocean especially toward the outer banks. not complete clear guidance here what happens after that. we will see impacts. we will see some wind and rain across parts of the
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outer banks, especially or i should say cape cod and the islands. that is the one storm. i will tell you real quickly, there are two other storms here. we are still around the peak of hurricane seasonal. this guy right here a lot of our guidance puts it right over the u.s. virgin islands again, guys. abby: already been hit so hard. >> across that same spot. we can't rule this out for imaskts across the u.s. that would be around 10 days. pete: tell me why those are numbers and don't get a name. >> areas of investigation they give them invest 96-l. abby: that's a great question, pete. i was wondering the same thing. thank you, rick. pete: a fox news alert. british police announcing a significant arrest in the london subway attack. we will get reaction from nigel farage coming up. todd: any agreement on illegal immigration must include the border wall. is he committed to his base. explain that coming up. >> ♪ my momma told me
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todd: time now for fox news alert. as bereported moments ago british police arresting an 18-year-old in connection with yesterday's subway attack in london. we are learning, this isis reportedly calling for lone wolf attacks against hurricane shelters here in the u.s. the warning outlined in a dhs memo sent to law enforcement in florida and texas. wow. and a criminal justice professor now placed on administrative leave after joking about killing his students who are future police officers. mike isakson tweeting some of you might think it is might suck being anti-fascist. i think it's a privilege to teach future dead cops. the comments pose a danger to faculty and staff.
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pete? pete: i have an a comment. that guy is an idiot. president trump reaching across the aisle working with democrats to reach a deal on daca but insist the border wall is still in play. abby: how are loyal trump supporters reactin reacting. jim, good to have you here. >> great to be here. abby: you say the base isn't going anywhere. >> no. donald trump is the base right now. and in many ways the base is following donald trump and the truth of the matter is, he has been con sis tonight on the issues that matter most to them. they believe in him. abby: most importantly results. that's what they have been so upset about. i have talked to them and pete has too. we want to get stuff done. we are stick of republicans in congress who sit there and do nothing year after year. i don't care hot president works with. get it done. >> among the voters that voted for president trump, he has a 90%. that's a 90% job approval rating because on the issues that he campaigned on, being strong on borders, the economy, tax relief, national security, he has
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been consistent and he has been strong on those issues and that's why they are behind him. pete: the reason why there is question on this issue immigration so central to who he is and what he ran on. is it about the agenda or is it about president trump? because were he to say strike a deal with chuck and nancy on daca and provide amnesty as some would describe it and get nothing in return, wouldn't supporters look at that and say that's not what i voted for? >> you know, it's interesting. when that meeting happened, i think old chuck schumer and nancy pelosi were trying to basically play the president and say no, we got what we wanted. it's not true. the president came out the next morning and said there is not going to be citizenship. there is not going to be amnesty. there is going to be compassion and there is going to be strong -- we are going to be strong at the borders. that's consistent with what he ran on. abby: this is how you get a deal done. it's called compromise. it's good in life and relationships and politics. somewhere along the way we have totally forgotten that.
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>> no doubt about it. i think the president has gotten a lot of momentum. i have seen it in focus groups and seeing it in polls not just with the base but with swing voters. what he has done with the hurricanes, hurricane harvey and hirge. hurricane irma. this guy is down there and is he in charge. even the democrats and liberal hasn't been able to attack him on these issues and he has gained a lot of momentum from that. pete: so-called head winds from the mainstream media impressive. jim, good to see you. you interrupted your morning basketball game for us. >> anything for you. abby: will the new iphone really cost $1,000? kurt the cyberguy is here to answer awful your questions and ours too. he is up next ♪ let's give them something to talk about ♪ something to talk about ♪
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the reason i'm telling you this is that there will be moments in your life that... you'll never be ready for. your little girl getting married being one of them. ♪ ♪ upeace of mind.s we had a power outage for five days total. we lost a lot of food. we actually filed a claim with usaa to replace that spoiled food. and we really appreciated that we're the webber family and we are usaa members for life.
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todd: it was a huge tech week for people like kurt over here. apple unveiling the iphone 10 leaving everyone with the same question will it really cost me a thousand bucks. abby: kurt the cyberguy went to the unveiling on tuesday and questions have been pouring in. >> i can't walk 50 feet without more questions. nail three of the most popular. number one, these are all -- there are three new phones. there is a difference between the iphone 8, 8 plus and then the iphone 10, not x. pete: blows my mind releasing three phones. >> where is number 9. no one knows where 9 is. here is what you need to know. i'm speaking to people who are already committed to the idea that they are going to get a new phone from ample.
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that's the audience. a lot of the people just curious. the big difference between the 8 and 8, 8 plus and the 10 would be the fact that the 10 is the one that has that face id and also edge-to-edge display that is just spectacular and beautiful and future his stick. you will get a big screen on the newest x for the most advanced x but it's not available until november the 3rd. here is what i want to know my people when it goes on sale it's $999 to start or get the larger one 256 gigabyte storage in it that takes it up to 1149 per phone. that's kind of pricey except that nobody is really paying full price anymore because awful these places you can buy any of these phones have broken this down into a 24 month or 30 month pricing. so you are paying by the month. so people stop thinking of the big price. and there is zero financing
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to it. pete: there is no home button on the 10. what do you do at 2:00 in the morning and scrap but i face and dark is facial recognition going to work then? >> it is going to work in the dark not complete darkness because it has infrared. abby: you probably shouldn't be on your phone if that's the state of mind you are in. put it down. >> right now preorder the 8 and 8 plus and it's going to come out next friday. you cannot preorder yet the x. that is going to be october 27th at 12:01 specific time or 3:01 for us on the east coast. i want to know how many people are going to skip work that friday october 27th who just don't show up at work because a lot of people will have their hand on the trigger because supply is said to be very thin on these. pete: may be months before some are delivered. >> here are things you need to know. have you two choices you can buy it from apple or buy it from wireless carrier or new wireless carrier. virtually similar prices.
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but one of them let's you trade it in. there are so many dynamic pricing things changing in this you will want to look online. i will have the review momentarily. pete: we'll be right back. more "fox & friends" on the other side. how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we'll keep -- oooooohhh! you stopped! you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement.
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>> this is a fox news alert. chaos and violence erupting in the city of st. louis. >> a former officer's acquittal sparking violence. [cheers] >> 10 officers injured. nine are st. louis cops. one highway patrolman. >> now can you see the protesters are coming across the street into open traffic. >> move back! move back! >> police lives matter too, period. >> a fox news alert, british police arrest an 18-year-old in connection with the terror attack on a packed london train. >> radical islamic terrorism. it will be eradicated, believe me. >> north korea's missile
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launch yesterday went further than any other missile launch fired by kim jong un's regime. >> we have been kicking the can down the road and we are out of road there is a military option. >> this is an 11-year-old boy all he wanted to do was mow the white house lawn. >> mr. frank is going to be very famous. he will be a navy seal some day. maybe he will be president. ♪ ♪ abby: welcome to "fox & friends weekend." we do begin with a fox news alert. british police making an arrest in connection with the london subway attack, terror attack there. pete: this as isis claims responsibility for the explosion that injured more than two dozen people. todd: ellison barber live for us in washington, d.c. with the latest details. good morning. >> that's right. an 18-year-old is now in police custody tied in some way to friday's early morning bombing that left as you said dozens of subway commuters injured. british police say investigation is ongoing but this arrest is, quote:
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significant. according to the associated press, the 18-year-old man is being held for questioning on terrorism act. he has not been charged or identified. he was arrested are in dover. that's a coastal town in england. it's a major port for ferries heading over to france. police wer will reportedly transfer the man to a london transfer station and question him there another attack could happen any day. todd, abby, pete? abby: all right. ellison live for us. thank you so much, ellison. the president doubled down on this yesterday. he was tweeting out yesterday morning when we were on the air. he said we have got to get tougher and we have got to get nasty. here he is later on in the day. we don't have that todd. he reiterated it at the white house saying we have got to get tougher. wee have got to be proactive. this is not going to end any time soon. todd: i love the president's instincts on these attacks. we can step back and say oh, it was a bombing, our prayers and sympathies go
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out. of course they do in these instances or we can get tougher and realize we are in a civilizational and generational battle against radical islamic terrorism. he also tweeted. this he said the travel ban in the u.s. which is recently reinstated should be far larger, tougher. stupidly that would not be politically correct. this is a guy who understands whether you have an enemy at your doorstep that has invaded you in the aspect of london which has been overtaken by islamists. thousands under regular monitoring from their intelligence services, either you crack down on it or you suffer these types of things. the fifth terror attack in the u.k., just this year, they're lucky, thank god, that the bomb didn't actually explode. it was justth detonator that went off. that explosion is what injured people. the actual main explosive did not go off. abby: it happened above ground it could have been worse even though there were a number of lives that will never be the same. people injured with burns all over their bodies and faces. it's heart-breaks just what happened yesterday it could have been worse. this is the new reality we face. you mentioned the political
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correctness and how the president always -- he doesn't care about that. he always says how he feels. we had james mitchell on the show yesterday who was a bomb expert who is about as tough as you can get. he was praising the rhetoric coming from the white house. he said you know what? this is a time where you want to feel emotion. you want the president to be angry. where you want him to say we need to be nasty. todd: right. abby: this is what we haven't done in recent years and we have to the get to that point. todd: i love pete's point point. thoughts and prayers? it's empty. it doesn't have any umph. you know what has umph? pete: get back to what they deserve, bombing innocent civilians on a train? abby: we have nigel farage on at 9:20 this morning. for the first time can i do this. i'm going to blame pregnancy. 7:20. todd: tune in to upcoming
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"fox & friends" on the weekend. pregnancy brain on the air. pete: moving to a fox news alert. american flag in flames and police under attack. a former officer's acquittal sparking violence in st. louis. abby: 32 protesters are now under arrest and at least 10 police officers have been injured. we're getting a better look at the destruction done throughout the city overnight. todd: griff jenkins live for us outside the city's public library with the very latest. griff, good morning. >> good morning, guys. you can see the windows smashed here. there is a gentleman in there cleaning this up already. let me tell you it was quite a night with violence back in the streets here in st. louis. take a look at this video. thousands of protesters taken to the streets, confronting the police, storming on police cruisers. trying to agitate them in any way possible. this is a fan scene, unfortunately now in american cities, certainly three years ago in ferguson. but they were burning american flags.
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there were as you mentioned 10 police officers injured. nine were st. louis cops. one was a highway patrolman because they were throwing bricks at the officers. and it started as a peaceful thing. shortly after the acquittal of police officer jason stockley accused in the 2011 murder of mr. anthony lamar smith. but it obviously turned into something different late after it got dark. we talked to a gentleman this morning, he is a resident here. daniel guilliams. here is what he had to say about what happened. take a listen. >> if you feel like there's a problem with what went on and the verdict, then you voice your opinion. i have no problem with that. but just to vandalize and tear up people's property, it's not going to solve anything. >> protesters posting all sorts of actions. at least two marches later today as we continue to move around, guys, and see the damage done here in saint lewis and the central west end.
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guys? pete: why in the world would anyone target the public library? >> i don't know. you know, we looked to see if they took any books, they didn't. they spray painted an s. i don't know what that stands for. i don't believe it's a form of communication. buy we are just having a look here. that gentleman we talked to what started out peaceful was a different crowd he saw running through these streets last night. he thought they were that element we saw in ferguson three years ago that came with intent to cause destruction. hopefully that won't keep developing here. abby: thank you so much, griff. todd: so the rioters don't want to learn to read more. pete: apparently not. public library seems like the perfected place to go to respond to this. dana loesch was on our network last night and had a very clear message to those that see muddy waters in this particular instance of what happened in st. louis. take a listen to what she had to say. >> ultimately, you know the bottom line, sean, is this. if using a vehicle to mow
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down police officers, that is assault with a deadly weapon. when you are charging at officers, that's assault with a deadly weapon. you do not have the freedom to mow down officers with your vehicle. as a st. louis native, this is the same stuff we heard with the mike brown case when everyone said hands up, don't shoot. yet the jurors, the individuals, the witnesses that were selected from ferguson, from that community. mike brown's community, those witnesses said that never actually happened. that whole lie was able to go around the world and i'm so tired of this happening. you have video evidence. don't run down cops. and you won't get shot. police lives matter, too. period. abby: i was watching that last night. she made a lot of strong points in that moment but just her passion behind it because, you know as we have seen on the -- with the riots, there are a lot of emotions involved in these things. you are talking about black lives matter. you are talking about cops. and it is just a very tough situation. i think she goes back to the heart of this. and you mentioned this, too todd, that facts matter, that what you see on these
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videos that is what matters. if we really want to have these riots and protests, let's focus on that. what are you protesting? what are you rioting? pete: facts don't care about emotions. at the end of the day judgment and juries look at what actually happened. that's why dana loesch and others are fired up. hands up don't shoot. protests in the street, bricks through windows none of it matters at all. what happens is what happens between a citizen who is a suspect and an armed police officer who upholds law and order in our country does a deadly job every single day. makes tough calls at a moment's notice and makes a decision. and unfortunately in this instance a life was lost. to a process called due process and our -- as you know about, todd. they reviewed it, looked at the case and decided listen, it was complicated. he is exonerated. doesn't mean everything was done perfectly. it doesn't mean that somehow there is a white privilege class stacked against a group of people. yet, that's what protesters want it to look like.
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todd: to both of those points. people are mystified by lawyers. oh my god you learn how to be a lawyer in law school? do you not learn how to be a lawyer in law school. you learn thousand look at one issue through multiple sides and able to make decisions based upon that. that's what the law is. it's facts. it is what the current state of the jurisprudence is and making decisions based upon that i almost think everybody in america needs to have a law class so they can understand that. pete: i actually -- point taken, but i think we need less lawyers in the world. todd: no, i don't disagree with you. pete: lawyers are behind every rock suing everybody. if we can cut the lawyer class in half. abby: i do think there is something to people getting a better handling of the issues we are talking about before you throw yourself on the streets theying bricks through windows and hurting police officers. we all need to as lawrence jones said take a step back, try to gain a better handling of situations.
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pete: i can get on board with law class. constitutional law class. abby: there we go. bring you other headlines starting with north korea who claims to have conducted yet another ballistic missile test. the rogue nation releasing new photos of the launch. you can see there the rocket, the same model that was launched over japan on friday. u.n. ambassador nikki haley issuing a warning to north korea as tensions boil over. >> and at that point, you know, there's not a whole lot the security council is going to be able to do from here when you have cut 90% of the trade and 30% of the oil. so, having said that i have no problem kicking it to general mattis because i think he has plenty of options. abby: i don't think any of us have a problem with that the missile on friday traveled over 2300 miles before landing in the pacific ocean. california now one step closer to becoming a sanctuary state. the state senate voting overnight to pass that measure it would expand protections for people living in the country illegally when they come in to contact with law enforcement. the bill now heads to the governor's office.
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jerry brown's desk who announced his support earlier this week. and raúl castro denying any responsibility in the mysterious sonic attacks on american diplomats in cuba. the cuban leader said is he equally as baffled and concerned by the claims. american diplomats reported the health attacks have caused hearing loss and speech problems for at least 21 victims. the u.s. is still investigating what caused those attacks and who is responsible. todd: i'm sure is he losing sleep over it. pete: raúl's sympathy is appreciated. abby: mowing the white house lawn dream comes true. he wrote a letter to the white house asking for the business opportunity. president trump surprising him as he helped the grounds crew cut the rose garden grass. watch this. >> this is frank. he is going to be very famous. he is going to be a navy seal some day. is he going to do great things for our country. abby: guess what? frank is going to join us later this morning on "fox & friends" at 8:50 a.m. to tell us all about his dream
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coming true. i can't wait to talk to him. pete: he normally charges 8 bucks but he said it's free for you, mr. president. abby: for the experience. pete: awesome. todd: supposed to be giving life saving information to people fleeing hurricane irma. this sign language interpreter accused of being a phony. >> interesting ones. what should he demand as part of any daca deal. should it be the wall or bust? steve cortez is here to discuss next. ♪ freedom ♪ freedom ♪ freedom ♪ you got to give ♪ for what you take ♪ freedom ♪
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now you can own america's tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. with the pole, and i had to make a claim and all that? is that whole thing still draggin' on? no, i took some pics with the app and filed a claim, but, you know how they send you money to cover repairs and - -they took forever to pay you, right? no, i got paid right away, but, at the very end of it all, my agent- -wouldn't even call you back, right? no, she called to see if i was happy, but, if i wasn't happy with my claim experience, for any reason... ...they'd give me my money back, no questions asked. can you believe that? no. the claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. ♪ ♪ todd: welcome back. 16 minutes after the hour
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now. president trump trying to work with democrats but he says the wall is a must. >> we're working on a deal for daca, but a lot has to do with the amount of security. we want very heavy security at the border. we want surveillance. we want a lot of things at the border. and ultimately, we don't want them to obstruct with the wall. abby: joining us now discuss is fox news contributor and former member of the trump hispanic advisory counsel steve cortez. steve, good to have you with us. >> thanks, good morning. abby: where do you see this going? in any deal democrats are going to have to give a little. president trump is going to have to give a little bit. where does it end? >> right. well, you know, abby, i think that a lot of people and i've been advising when this deal or supposed deal was announced by email and my phone blew up with a lot of trump supporters. a lot of my fellow colleagues on the trump train very worried that the president had given away the farm, that he was going to give daca away for nothing. i don't think that's the case. first of all, we need to
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calm down, take a deep breath and realize what the president is doing is negotiating. he has to negotiate with the democrats. the main reason, unfortunately, is that republican leadership, on the hill, we simply can't count on to get things done. we know that from healthcare. when it comes to immigration, i think we have to -- we do have to reach across the aisle. here's thing. i think where we will come out and certainly this is my advice to the white house is daca people should be protected. i do believe that they are a different category than illegal immigrant. they didn't choose to break our immigration laws they were brought here as children. i believe that is a separate and different category of people. however, if we're going to extend protection for them and do it the right way this time not like obama do it through legislation. something should come back in return. i believe that should be both funding for the border wall and the raise act. moving towards skills based immigration rather than chain migration which is what we now have. todd: i was out in pennsylvania yesterday talking to people, many people of his base, and they
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unequivocally support him on basically everything he has done so far including reaching across the aisle to the democrats. how long though do you think the base is going to stick with him? >> right. listen, it's a great question. i think his support is incredibly sticky. you know, i really do. and i think there is reason that the base trusts him and supports him by the way. it's because he hasn't let us down so far. look at the accomplishments already. only months into his presidency. the border is largely under control which, to me is, amazing. we still need the wall. but just through better enforcement and clear eyed rhetoric. illegal crossings have plunged. our economy is accelerating. gulch is on the court there are major accomplishments already. there are reasons i believe why the base believes that they should trust trump and why i continue to trust trump. and he will negotiate with them and at the end of the deal he will come out with a package i think immigration reform package that is going to be pleasing to all americans. going to put america first. it is going to protect the daca people but put the
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interest of the american workers first. abby: if he is successful at that, if he can get a deal done with democrats, the ones that should be concerned are republicans. many of them up for re-election in congress. if anything, this should be a wake-up call. you've got to start doing your job. >> you know, abby. i think you are so right. a lot of republicans particularly in the senate but a lot of republicans on the hill, they still have a 2015 mentality. they still haven't really caught up and woken up i think to what happened here in this country. there is a titanic shift in our election. there was a revolution in the ballot box. people calling for massive change. they are sick and tired of a washington crony establishment system that exists for its benefit to the detriment of the people. too many republicans are part of that problem. todd: great point. >> i think what trump has done masterfully lately is reach across the aisle and say i don't always need you republican leadership. we're going to get deals done that benefit the american worker. abby: could be a very smart tactic. thank you. >> thanks so much. todd: a fox news alert. violent protests erupting in
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st. louis overnight after a st. louis police officer is cleared of murder charges. do these protest does anything to improve the situation? our panel is here next. abby: ahead of the shopping season is toys r us about to file for bankruptcy? say it ain't. so that's next. it was tough getting out there on stage. i wanted to be clear. i wanted it to last. so i kept on fighting. i found something that worked. and keeps on working. now? they see me. see me. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you- cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...find clear skin that can last. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to.
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abby: we are back with quick headlines. two executives are now out as fallout continues for equifax after massive security breach. the credit monitoring firm announcing chief operations officer and chief security officer are retiring. this comes a week after security breach may have exposed personal data for up to 143 million americans. also in this morning, facebook and google are now disabling advertiser's ability to pinpoint users interested in hate filled cop tent. of the new restriction comes after the news organization pro-public can a claimed it
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paid to have its article specifically promoted to users expressing interests in topics including jew hater. it reportedly took facebook 15 minutes to approve the targeted ad. pete, over to you. pete: thanks, abby. 10 officers injured as protesters clash with police in st. louis following the acquittal of a former white police officer charged with murder after shooting of a black man. don't these protests just hurt the community? do they? joining us is fox news contributor and author of "backlash" deneen borelli and lieutenant borcher. deneen, i will start with you, it's one thing to protest. it's another thing to throw bricks at police officers injuring 10. you know, is any of this justified? >> none of this is justified. violence should never be the answer. listen, i think individuals are really working off of their emotions going out in to the streets the way that
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they did. i believe the protests started out peacefully. and then it just took a wrong turn, veered left and just went -- i mean, there was property damage. they went to the mayor's home. they broke windows at the mayor's home. pete: where does that turn come from? is that outside agitators? black lives matter? antifa? >> i'm pretty sure there were outside agitators there. this is a local issue. this is something that should be taken care of by local leaders. they should have been out in front of this from the beginning, during, and after the fact to calm individuals down and look at what happened. look at the facts on the table. >> i really don't think we know everything that happened even though there is video evidence. but people are taken matters into their own hands and it's setting a wrong tone. pete: this isn't a part of san thing the mayor himself is democrat. leftists protesting a democratic mayor. you have the michael brown issue from 2014. you say this is a lot different. >> absolutely. i see many people that have
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conflated the michael brown case in comparison to 2011. when we look at 2011 what this protest is focusing around. , we had a felony car stop. we had someone that was selling drugs and tried to run the officers over. whereas when you look at michael brown in 2014, this was purely a police and citizen encounter. when we take into consideration these protesters, when you protest your first amendment rights allow you the ability to protest. however, introduce solutions not emotional retribution. that's what's happening here. todd: why are they conflating the two? it's such a great point. potential felony drug arrest here using a vehicle as weep. different -- whenever the facts are about michael brown as well. different situation. is it just the ability to incite, the ability to cause more consternation? is that why they are on the streets? >> a lot of these people that protest are professional agitators. they are actually paid a salary to come and protest on behalf of whatever the victims, whatever the
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victimology is in this particular case. so, we oftentimes have protesters that really don't care about the facts. their whole focus is, look, we want to get this point across. we want to be on television and we get our point out to the national media so they can accept and recognize who we are as a group. pete: you just mentioned other networks. another network this morning had police use pepper spray and overwhelming support against protesters. somehow the police are to blame for this. >> it's unfortunate we have a number of media outlets that refuse to report the truth. what i'm concerned about is this issue being politicized, especially from those like al sharpton, for example. we haven't heard from him yet. but we know. pete: speaking of victimology, yes. >> we saw what happened with baltimore. we are probably going to see black lives matter be more vocal about this. unfortunately what they are going to be doing is pitting citizens against our law enforcement. i think that is a bad precedent and really dangerous move for them to
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be making. pete: that's a great point. this is an inner city that's got its own problems that it needs to face. these citizens rely on this and need this law enforcement as much as anybody else when you drive those wedges, it only makes the situation worse. >> baltimore and ferguson is still recovering. pete: that's a great point. ferguson just outside of -- both of those locations still recovering from those incidents. deneen borelli and dr. darryl porcher, thank you so much. >> thanks for having us. pete: hillary clinton sounding the alarm about president trump. >> i think this president and some of the people around him pose a clear and present danger to our country. pete: clear and present danger, huh? and more on the breaking news out of london. the first arrest in the subway terror attack. nigel farage is here to react. you know he will have a perspective on this and you are not going to want to miss it next. ♪ ♪
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for tech advice. dell small business advisor with one phone call, i get products that suit my needs and i get back to business. ♪ abby: we're back with a fox news alert. british police arresting an 18-year-old in connection with to the london subway attack. this as isis claims responsibility now for the explosion that injured more than two dozen people. todd: according to the associated press, the suspected terrorist is being held for questioning under the terrorism act. he has not been charged though or even identified. pete: police will reportedly transfer the man to a london police station and question him there. this as authorities raise the terror threat to critical. meaning another attack could happen at any day. for comment on, this we're now going to bring in nigel farage former u.k.
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independence party member and fox news contributor. good morning. they say authorities are saying another attack could be imminent. up to 35,000 radicals in the u.k. 3,000 of which are worrying to your intelligence services. 500 under constant surveillance. does the u.k. really have his arms around this problem? >> no. i think part of the problem here and you know we hear the prime minister after each of these attacks saying we are going to step up and we are going it put more resources in. i don't think any stage of this that our leaders have really contemplated the scale of the problem that we face. and i think part of the reason for that is that they, themselves, are responsible for much of it. you know, i was saying a couple of years ago that we must get the military involved, to leave the police freer to get on with things. we're now hearing that finally, perhaps that may happen. and the other thing i find extraordinary is we still,
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in the whole of this country, only have just over 6,000 police officers who have got weapons. that's all. the rest of them, the rest of them are not routinely armed. if you think back to the london bridge attacks where the terrorists got out of a van, a police officer on duty with a baton went up and confronted them, was stabbed. he survived i'm pleased to say. had he had either a gun or at least a taser he could have stopped that attack happening in the market. i don't think we are gearing up quickly enough for this. i have think we are always behind the curve. abby: that's what president trump was warning about. he was yesterday morning when this was all breaking in london, he said the travel ban in to the united states should be far larger, tougher and more specific, but stupidly, that would not be politically correct. in response to that i'm sure you saw theresa may with her press conference yesterday. and she spoke about president trump and his tweet. here is what she said in response. >> i never think it's
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helpful for anybody to speculate on what is an ongoing investigation. as i have just said, the police and security services are working to discover the full circumstances of this cowardly attack and to identify all those responsible. abby: what did you make of that? >> well, look, whether trump is right in that the people behind this were known to the authorities already, we don't yet know. but, i tell you something, in most cases the patent is very clear. clear -- pattern is very clear. young males drifted into drugs and extreme forms of islam. in every case they are known to authorities. my suspicion is that trump will be proved to be right and the real question, the real question that theresa may has got to confront is what do we do with the 3,000 people living in britain who are suspected terrorists? hundred of them have a permanent trail the rest
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don't. that is something the british government is seriously going to have have to deal with. pete: the military is effectively doing homeland defense have you been invaded violently by the enemy? >> well, i have been saying for some years that we have a fifth column now living within our country who hates us and want to kill us. and when i first said that five years ago it was deemed to be very unpopular but sadly it's proved to be true. in terms of our policing numbers in this country, since 2010, we have had quite a big cut in police numbers in this country so, we have literally been getting everything wrong and short-term, if we use the army on the streets to leave the police free tore follow these 3,000 people and to try to get on top of this problem, that it's a good thing to do. and it's an admission not so much that we have been invaded, it's an admission that the government has not understood just how serious this problem is. todd: you see the result. they are not good over there
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i don't mean to attack your homeland but they are not good. i want to switch gears now. hillary clinton was on another network and she said the following. i want your reaction to it. listen. >> this whole thing that on the really big issues, there's enough authority to be able to restrain and contain the president. that's what we all have to hope. this president and some of the people around him pose a clear and present danger to our country. todd: the word clear and present danger is i don't like the guy. clear and present danger means something. how do you react? >> it means extreme sour grapes and it means, of course, that had she won, she wouldn't have said a thing about kim firing missiles over japan. talking about clear and present danger, i remember in the debates that took place because i was there at all of them. i remember when terrorism was being talked about. hillary clinton couldn't even name islamic terrorism. she wouldn't even use the
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term. she is so politically correct. and at least trump wants to try to do something about it. if i was an american citizen, i would feel a lot safer living under president trump than i would have under president hillary. pete: in addition to the clear and present danger those men at benghazi experience dollars when she decided to do nothing in addition to the clear and present danger. >> quite. and, frankly, when you have lost and have you been in public life in america for 30 years you've gone to the big tilt. you've lost. it's better to bow out and retire gracefully. abby: exactly always well said. good to have you on. good to have your perspective. >> thank you. abby: bringing me back to the debate days. i miss though days. always exciting. we do have other headlines we are following. starting with illegal immigrant charged with using an officer's stolen gun in a murder being monitored by
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ice. data taken from eric panetta's tracking bracelet confirms that the 18-year-old was in the area when a san francisco man was murdered in the street. police using the same data to connect him to five robberies and two other shootings. community demanding polling after interpreter signed jib robbery during a press conference. they tried giving crucial information during hurricane irma instead the interpreter signed words like pizza, monster and beer. the man whose brother is deaf stepped in at the last minute stepped in to correct ited to. pete: not funny. but wow. abby: victim leaving the bank in california when all of a sudden he is attacked by two member. several employees at u.p.s. store running out to intervene. to two attackers running off, jumping into a car and getting await a minute the victim was not seriously injured. todd: what can brown do for you?
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save from you an tach. good work. >> following another hurricane that could be headed this way. like, rick? rick: we are following three systems out in the atlantic. we are at the peak of hurricane season. 11 storms probably by the end of today or tomorrow. we will have at least lee. maybe lee or maria. there is a lot going on. this one here is jose. it's been out here for better part of two weeks. moving off to the north eventually. in that cope we have parts of the northeast and that has a lot of people very afraid. best guidance a tropical storm at this point. very windy day by thursday into friday. we will watch a lot of beach erosion here. watch that for model guidance. still a little too spread apart and some of these models across big population zones of the east coast. we also have a tropical depression out here. this one we are not super worried about. it is this one right here. this is an area of low pressure that's going to move out here and potentially bring a major hurricane right back towards the islands so desperately
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hit with irma. guys, after that potentially some impacts across parts of the u.s. we are not done at all. two and a half months of hurricane. todd: yep, november 30th. abby: who comes up with the names you? were saying and mary and lee. pete: janice dean. rick: yeah, janice does it france spanish. they come back every six years unless any they get retired. so harvey and irma will certainly be retired and they will come up with new names. abby: i knew he would have a good answer to that. rick: not janice dean. todd: big change coming to mcdonald's happy meals. what's in and what's out. pete: kids listen up. u.k. berkeley spending 600,000 bucks to keep a conservative speaker safe on
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campus. free speech week on campus might get cancelled. yep, you heard that ♪ blnche your brain changes as you get older. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember.
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todd: toys r us could be filing for bankruptcy right before the holiday. the toy retailer is working with the bank to address its 5 billion-dollar debt that filing could force suppliers to hold back sthoiments toys r us unless it can pay in cash at delivery. no doubt thanks in part to online retailing. mcdonald's happy meals ditching minute made apple juice for honest. parents look for healthier options and so to finish the conversation we had during the commercial the happy
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meal toy is still there. pete, abby over to you. abby: i wish you could have seen. pete: i prefer more sugar in my apple jiewssments what's the price of free speech apparently at the university of california berkeley it's about 600 grand. that's how much it spent on security to have ben shapiro on campus this week. abby: rumors a free speech week at the end of the month will be cancelled. can that be true? here is berkeley student tomorrow mass. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me on. abby: you say being in the lion's den. >> not easy especially being a conservative at u.k. berkeley. for all the diversity and tolerance they preach conservative diversity. they don't mean ideological diversity. and toll remember rance to anyone to the right of bernie sanders. as i walk to class every
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morning i'm reminded. kill the berkeley college republicans and antifa zone. and when i walk on campus, i'm again reminded that i am not welcome on campus because there is more graffiti that says behead the berkeley college republicans and there are posters with my face on it calling me a fascist and neo nazi. as i continue walking i have been spit on routinely on my way to class. i have had drinks thrown on me. after class, after a hard day of studying. i just want to grab something to eat for dinner. as i'm at the restaurant i have leftist students lecture me on how me a second generation persian immigrant bigot and white supremacist. pete: sounds like a big dose of tolerance there for sure. i see the headlines on this story it always says that ben shapiro or conservatives are the ones to blame for $600,000 bill for security. isn't it the other way around? isn't it the antifa and the violent protesters trying to shut -- ant they the ones that are costing people money here. >> i agree completely.
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just being conservative at u.k. berkeley is controversial. and/or though docks jew neo flats is i? there is posters all around campus calling ben shapiro a neo nazi. it's disappointing that they blame us for antifa violence. it's really victim blaming. abby: statement from u.k. berkeley on free speech. the berkeley patriot hasn't done anything that college republicans did to secure the appropriate venue and ensure a safe event. where -- i mean, you are in the thick of this. where does it go from here and what message do you have to conservatives like yourself that i'm assuming probably feel the same way do you and to the school? >> again, the university -- they always impose unlawful restrictions. pete: and are those unlawful restrictions ever applied to leftists? >> well, for our event for
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ben shapiro auto they slashed seats in half 1984 to 1040. the reason they set charlottesville. did they slash seating in half when bill clinton, bernie sanders and justice sotomayor spoke. what does ben shapiro have to do with charlottesville. antifa group and left wing thugs try to exhaust our spirit. they think their intimidation will lead to us giving up, that we'll put our heads low and focus on dallas anonclasses. i tell all conservative activists on all conservative campuses to keep fighting. don't let them win. that's what they want you to do. they want you to give up, to quit. quit the conservative movement. pete: amen. stay strong. keep in the fight. you give a lot of the people hope this morning. great stuff. abby: unfortunate what he has been through though. pete: unfortunate kid. not a kid a man. stuart jackson and dan
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bongino will join us live. abby: running through 10,000 volts of electricity is tough mudder challenge on the plaza. i will not be doing that, pete. pete: you might. i'm going to drag you through. abby: no you willka not. ♪ ntry, we never forget... ntry, that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you hi..and i know that we have phonaccident, so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight- four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it.
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todd: it's on. scaling walls, crawling through the mud under barb wire running through 10,000 volts of electricity. yeah, we are talking about tough mudder. abby: seven years more than 3 million people have run the courses all over the world. pete: here to talk about the success founder of tough mudder new book it takes a tribe building the tough mudder movement. will, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me on the show and thanks for letting us build these obstacles out here. pete: how did you turn the
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obstacle course into a movement. >> i started with the basic idea that people want to do an event team work and camaraderie others were about the individual. people want to do. this did our first event in 2010. farce forward this-to-this year. 20,000 people have had the tough mudder logo tattooed on them. abby: what's your message for team work? had an experience ran a race didn't feel like had you people helping you out. >> i did a tr triathlon. neither of us were going to win. the guy said no. i said i want to -- if you probably know you help other people you feel good about yourself. hold the door open, you feel good about yourself. you see behind us, you feel great about yourself. todd: we are going to be doing this in two hours. i think pete has done this before. not sure about rick. i certainly haven't. what do we need to know. >> most of the obstacle work together. don't try to be an individual or lone wolf.
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accept help from strangers, other legionnaires, mudders out here on the course, have fun. don't take yourself seriously. >> team work makes you feel better about your is have you said that pregnant women have actually run the tough mudder. i want to feel good with myself helping this one to do the tough mudder. >> we have had many pregnant ladies take part before. abby: you are not helping my case. pete: i think we sealed the deal. abby: you are from the u.k. have you counter terrorism. >> that's my background. that's what i did before business school. something i really miss. that sense of team. someone always having your back. i wanted to take that spirit and create something for at least a few hours where everyone gets to experience that. feeling like someone has your back is a great experience. todd: we are so stoked about. this i'm nervous i'm going to die on this thing. two hours. pete and i are going to change. we will not be doing this in our suits. looking forward to it. it will be awesome. >> thank you so much.
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i appreciate you having me on the show. abby: i won't be doing this later i will cheer them on. >> we have a mini mudder now. ♪ all that glimmers is gold ♪
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which saves money. esurance was born online and built to save. and when they save, you save. that's home and auto insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. move back! move back! >> police lives matter, too. period. >> a fox news alert. british police arrest an 18-year-old in connection with the terror attack on a packed london train. >> radical, islam terrorism. it will be eradicated. believe me. >> north korea's missile launch yesterday went
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further than any previous missile launch fired by kim jong un's regime. >> we have been kicking the can down the road and we're out of road. there is a military option. >> 11-year-old boy who all he wanted to do was mow the white house lawn. >> this is frank. he is going to be very famous. going to be a navy seal some day. maybe he will be president. ♪ ♪ ♪ pete: welcome to "fox & friends." we begin with a fox news alert. british police making an arrest in connection with the london subway terror attack. abby: this as isis claims responsibility for the rush hour explosion that injured more than a dozen people. todd: ellison barber for us live in washington, d.c. with more on the response coming from the white house at this hour. ellison, good morning. >> good morning. british police say the investigation is ongoing. the arrest of an 18-year-old is, quote: significant. police took the man into custody. they say he is tied in some way friday morning bombing
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injured people. some of them children heading to school. according to the associated press the 18-year-old man is being held for questioning under the terrorism act and has not been charged or publicly identified. he was arrested in dover. that's a coastal town in england. it's a major port for ferries heading to france. police will reportedly transfer the man to a london police station and question him there. isis claimed responsibility for friday's attack and prime minister theresa may raised the threat level from severe to critical. it's the highest threat level and means an attack could be imminent. president trump sent out a series of tweets after the attack and in one tweet he suggested the perpetrators were known to scotland yard. prime minister may pushed back on that in an interview yesterday saying it was, quote, not helpful to speculate on ongoing investigation. in another tweet president trump said, quote: loser terrorists must be dealt with and a much tougher
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manner adding the internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off. may and trump spoke on the phone yesterday according to the white house they spoke about the attack and north korea yesterday. >> i spoke with a wonderful woman, british prime minister theresa may, this morning and relayed america's deepest sympathy as well as our absolute commitment to irradicating terrorists. radical islamic terrorism it will be eradicated, believe me. >> both leaders are set to address the united nations general assembly next week. abby, piatt, todd? abby: all right, ellison barber thank you very much. pete: the president's response very strong. if you think about the depth and scope of the threat that the u.k. faces. their top intelligence official says 35,000
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fanatical islamists inside that country. 3,000 on the radar for a potential attack. 500 monitored 24/7. they have been silently invaded by a very coherent, very radical ideology that seeks their own destruction from within. so as much as we look at these things and want to wish them away. this is the fifth terror attack in this country in this year alone. when president trump says it's time to get serious, he means it. we have been invaded. either we fight back with the tools necessary or we allow ourselves to be terrorized, which is what is happening right now. >> you think about what isis has been threatening. you know their magazine inspire, this is what they have been threatening for a while now. the future wave of attacks is going to be these train and subway attacks during rush hour when you think about trains and new york city. i take a subway every single day we don't have much security there sometimes they are police officers. sometimes they are dressed in regular clothes. you compare that to the airports and other things that are protected, i mean, we don't want to be living
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in this world where everything has to be so policed, but this is the threat we are now facing. and the u.k., as you said, pete, is dealing with it much more than we are. they have 3,000 suspected terrorists. we had nigel farage on the show. that is the threat that theresa may faces. here is what he said. >> whether trump is right in that the people behind this were known to the authorities already, we don't yet know. but, i tell you something, in most cases the pattern is very clear. these are young males who dropped out of education, who have drifted into drugs and extreme forms of islam and in nearly every single case they are known to the authorities. the real question that theresa may has got to confront is what do we do with the 3,000 people living in britain who are suspected tastes. 500 of them have a permanent trail. the rest don't, and that is something the gish government has got to very seriously have to get to grips with. pete: when are we going to wake up to the fact these people are not citizens.
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they are soldiers of an enemy inside our countries. why are we monitoring them? why are we not stripping their rights and throws them in jail saying you are enemy combatant. we are at war with you. we are done. we are revoking your citizenship. go back where you are came from. go fight isis over there if you want to. i don't know how many attacks will take before that mind set. i know president trump thinks that way. political correctness holds him back. letting people seek destruction. wake up to this internal invasion. why when president trump doesn't beat beat around the bush, you said a great point earlier our thoughts and prayers. we hope our thoughts and prayers. throughout and prayerthoughts at prevent the destruction we are seeing especially in england and they try to do in america. thoughts and prayers. abby: this could have been much worse. this happened above ground it could have happened below
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ground. buckets covered what looks like a grocery bag. if you were to walk on a train or something: normal likely made in someone's kitchen in their home. these homemade bombs. that's what's so frightening about this. they are hard to detect. that's tough to come by how to figure out how to find those bombs. we need to have more judge lens and finding these people to your pointed, steve. pete: inspire magazine last edition literally said go make bombs and put them in trabs. there is direct connection to these things. you talk about thoughts and prayers. effective range of military system. do you know what the effective range of a thought and prayer is. i believe in the power of prayer. todd: we are not attacking prayer. don't get us wrong. pete: i know you are not. enough of that nonsense, do something real from our leaders. abby: be vigilant and smarter as the president tweeted yesterday let's' get nasty. pete: i kind of like that. now to a fox news alert. a lot going on this morning.
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rangers out of control after a former police officer was acquitted after a death of a black man. abby: demonstrators throw bottles and bricks at them in st. louis. todd: 10 police officers hurt in the chaos. griff jenkins outside the mayor's house in st. louis with the very latest. griff, good morning. >> hey, todd, abby and pete. take a quick look here outside the mayor's office. you see windows smashed. paint up on the wall. and that was where the riots and the protesting ended up last night. take a look at the video from last night. a scene far too familiar for the residents of st. louis just three years ago in ferguson. now in downtown st. louis, cops being attacked by protesters stomping on police cruisers, confronting the police as they marched. it began peacefully, shortly after 9:00 a.m. when judge timothy wilson ruled to acquit police officer jason stockley in the 2011 murder
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of anthony lamar smith. but as you saw, those images last night, people had to be treated in the crowd. in total 10 officers were injured. 9 were st. louis cops. one was a highway patrolman. 32 arrests. here is the acting chief -- police chief lawrence o'toole. here is what he had to say about last night. >> officers did deploy cover balls as a less and lethal option as agitators continued to assault officers with objects and continued to destroy property. we will continue to protect the citizens of st. louis. >> now, st. louis ph.d. were tweeting a picture of a gun recovered last night, a handgun. and that's troubling because if you remember from three years ago, there were some people shot, actually a police officer shot at. i remember that night very well. hopefully, the continued protest, which began at 10:30 today will become -- will not become violent.
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they will remain peaceful and not see more of what we saw last night. there is a u2 concert this evening. so there is some suggestion on social media that they may try and shut that down. very interesting as all this plays out. guys? abby: let's hope not. griff jenkins thank you so much. pete: not sure how shutting down a u2 concert advances your agenda. abby: who wants to stop a u2 concert. todd: had you a great point earlier. you were saying you we are calling these protests but any time you throw a rock and start attacking people that's not a protest. it's a riot. pete: do you know what it takes to a jury police officer with riot shields and batons and masks? you didn't come there just to respond. you came there to do harm to these law enforcement officials. that's why you see 32 arrests. you should see even more. that's why antifa cowardly covers their faces because they don't want to get arrested they are momma's boys in their basement think they are stopping fascism but they are actually just a bunch of snowflakes. at the end of the day those beliefs have consequences. and you see it in these
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actions in the street. it doesn't advance race relations. if that's your goal then have a conversation about criminal justice. also, by the way, look at the feackets of the case. abby: i was just going to say that because emotions run very high. just to point out a lot of good people on the ground there passionate about equal rights for everybody. where it didn't get violent. for the ones that are violent. there are two cops in the hospital today because of this. you know, one has a broken jaw, i think. facts do matter. so when you are looking at this specific case. i mean, the judge as you talk about all the time, todd, there is a difference between letting your emotions get in the way of the facts and what actually happened. it seems pretty evident in the video when you watch that. pete: it's a democratic mayor by the way who is empathetic to these protesters. abby: a lot of other headlines we are following this morning. starting with a fox news alert. and north korea now claiming to have conducted yet another ballistic missile test. the rogue nation releasing new photos of the launch seen here. the rocket, the same model as the one launched over japan on friday. u.n. ambassador nikki haley
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iciousdz a warning to north korea as tensions continue to boil. >> and at that point, you know, there is not a whole lot the security council is going to be able to do from here when you cut 90% of the trade and 30% of the oil. so, having said that i have no problem kicking it to general mattis because i think he has plenty of options. abby: the missile on friday traveled over 2300 miles before landing in the pacific ocean. we will keep a close eye on that story. also this, california is now one step closer to becoming a sanctuary state. the state senate voting overnight to pass that measure it would expand protections for people living in the country illegally when they come in to contact with law enforcement. the bill now heads to the governor's desk, jerry brown to sign. he announced his support earlier for that measure this week. miraculous run for the cleveland indians. it comes to an end. >> kansas city royals have ended the indians historic winning streak at 22 in a
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row. abby: the kansas city royals beating the indians 4-3. ending record setting winning streak at 22 games. the tribe was just four games shy of the official major league record of 26 wins. todd: so cool. making our predictions for the world series i predict dodgers and those very indians which has pete says. pete: anyone else. when you get 22 wins in baseball that's incredible. todd: you just heard about the arrest in the london subway bombing overnight. next gest says there is one thing we can do now to prevent another attack like this. you know when he talks have you got to listen. aaron cohen on deck. pete: plus chelsea manning won't be a visiting fellow at the harvard kennedy school she will still speak to the students. does that sound like a good idea to you? we will discuss it.
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♪ todd: all right. 16 minutes after the hour on a very busy saturday morning and a fox news alert for you. this morning british police making an arrest in connection with the terror attack on a packed london train that left more than two dozen hurt. pete: this as isis has now claimed responsibility for the explosion. how do we prevent these kinds of attacks in the united states? abby: let's ask former member of special operations aaron cohen. always good to have you on with your expertise on a day like this where another attack has happened. this is the new normal. how do we move forward? >> well, guys, here's the key. counter terror quality or grave security lives in the space before the attack. what i mean by that is, we need to be thinking about the -- need to be thinking about all of that space or time before the attack occurs. because it's about preparation. in this case specifically in london, i can tell you that
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had bags been checked and i don't want to point my finger at the brits. i have worked with the brits. i enjoy the brits. i think they are one of the countries that are leading on counter terror. but in their particular subway train stations or tube stations, i don't believe specific bags are being checked. you can prevent these types of attacks. you have to check the bag. somebody has to physically come in with that idd or improvised explosive device and physically take that out of that bag and put that or leave it or leave that suspicious device somewhere on that train in order for it to go off. it's a very simple fix. the problem is there is a lot of emotion involved. stuart people say we can't have that type of security. it impedes our day-to-day, you know, well being and we are living in a police state. nonsense. we are capable of doing it we check bags. it only take as few seconds in israel and security really is -- it's almost a creative art form. all of that quality, security and leaked in that
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vacuum before the attack. pete: you are talking about hardening targets. definitely a way to react. we know 35,000 radical in that country. 3500 bent on terror. 500 monitoring constantly. at what point do you look at these people and say you are not a citizen of the u.k. you are enemy combatant. you do not believe in our way of life. should their whole political system start to review how they view these people instead of trying to fight a war through police action which is how it feels right now. >> their entire political system needs to completely be turned upside down. feel good and correctness is essentially corrupted and eroded the actual fibers of the citizenry. what i mean by that is in israel we would never tolerate people within our borders in israel. and we have arabs who live inside israel. they serve in our military. but they are fundamentally aligned with the israeli
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state and with the laws and with the mind set and the values that we hold in israel. and we, you know, we need those people in our system. and we enjoy having them in israel. but, in the u.k., as well as here in the united states, to be politically correct and to not completely churn up the hatred that's embedded within your own country, there is not only nonsensical but it's ludicrous. and so if it was up to me, if i was advising president trump right now, i would be telling the president, it should be raining terrorist warrants in this country against any individuals or any families who are in cahoots or touch or support or related to a potential terrorist. i would be making it rain warrants. that's what needs to be happening in the u.k. warrants cause doors to get kicked in which leads to intel which prevents attacks. that's what i would have happening over there. todd: thank you for your expertise. appreciate it this morning. this criminal justice professor teaches our kids
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tweeted this it's a froifl teach future dead cops. how does a guy like this even get hired? abby: unbelievable. hillary clinton takes blame game on the road. is she hurting her own party and the country? we will debate it next. it's ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it's fine. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. and i don't share it with mom! right, mom?! righhht. safe driving bonus checks. only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. can we at least analyze can we push the offer online?
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todd: 24 minutes after the hour and now and quick headlines and tour around the ivy league. you are no longer a freshman or you were class man at yale. the university now using gender neutral terms to provide, quote, gender inclusive sift. the yale college dean telling the school newspaper quote it's really for formal correspondence and formal publications. we are not trying to be language police. pete is looking at me and smiling. and harvard is rescinding chelsea manning's visiting fellow designation.
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but she will still speak to students at an upcoming forum. the school calling it a mistake after major backlash for hiring one of the biggest government leakers of all time. and for the three ivy leaguers here. they did avoid u pen princeton and dartmouth. abby? abby: thank you, todd. hillary clinton going on blame game tour while promoting her new book. >> the unprecedented action of the fbi director, the interference by an adversary nation. sexism and my a subject any. >> i don't think the press did their job in this election. >> russians pretending to be americans. who were online and in person trying to foment negative stories about me. >> the more professionally successful a woman becomes, the less likeable she becomes. >> ain't that the truth? abby: the election is over. is it time for her to move on? here to debate is former hillary clinton director of
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strategic communications adrian elrod and g.o.p. strategist jennifer kern. good morning, ladies. >> glad to be here. abby: what happened to bowing out gracefully having a bit of humility. >> it's been said by folks this week that hillary clinton is like the o.j. simpson of politics. she is still out there a year later looking for the real killer of her campaign, turns out it was her. i tend to agree with that i can tell you as a campaign press secretary for the last 10 years this is what about. this is a textbook case of a candidate surrounding themselves with yes people. they surround themselves with people who tell them what they want to herein stead of what they need to hear. i always had a policy i told candidates i will never lie for you. and i will never lie to you. and that includes giving u. the hard advice. it's very clear this week in this book tour that hillary clinton has still not had advisors close to her that have been willing to real i had tell her the hard truth which is she bears the burden of the blame for her
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failed campaign. abby: you still don't hear that adrian i know you have a different perspective on this. she has every right to write her book and talk about experience along the campaign trail. >> absolutely. abby: problem many people have with this still hearing excuses why she lost versus her taking a look in the mirror saying you know what? i lost this election. maybe it was the messaging wasn't perfect. maybe it was just, you know, the mood of the country at the time. it was what it was. >> look. i mean, a lot of that is getting -- a lot of fact that she is talking about that in her book and she does take blame for many things and is not -- getting lost in the shuffle because she is out there talking about the other factors that came into play. the fact that russia had had a major influence in this election. the fact that we did deal with sexism and my a subject any to a huge level. again, show is taking plenty of blame in the book. and that is what maybe is not driving all of the headlines. look, i was on this campaign from the very beginning. as somebody who lived and breathed every moment of this campaign. i want to understand what
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was going through her mind some of these pivotal points and so do many of the americans buying this book and reading it. the 65 million people who voted for her want to understand what was going through her mind. she has more than earned her right. abby: that's fine. why not move on. we have heard even though she may talk about other factors in the election. she does blame a number of other things as to why she lost the electoral college, joment, you name it. you think back on other candidates that have lost, racist, most recently mitt romney goes back. you don't see them out on tour like this. i have got to say this past week the optics looked a bit odd when you had this hurricane, the second one hit this country. you have the president on the ground there helping the people there it just didn't sit right when you have hillary clinton there talking about still why she lost the election. >> and to her point, she may have explained it and taken blame in the book but she certainly did not on her media tour. let's not forget hillary clinton herself was out there on the trail this week
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during these media interviews it wasn't a campaign spokesperson. this is straight from hillary's mouth. as you said, she blamed everyone from fbi director james comey to bernie sanders to matt lauer to oh, donald trump stood too close to her at the debate. yesterday she said it's women's fawlgt because women's husbands and bosses must have told them not to vote for her. i mean, i think this is very instructive of the kind of president that hillary clinton would have been. >> completely disagree. abby: very quickly. we have to go. but i know you have your perspective as well and we appreciate that ladies. really good to have you on the show. >> thank you, abby. abby: all right, next. a fox news alert. st. louis turns into chaos last night. police officers hurt. dozens of arrests made. kevin jackson is live in st. louis and is fired up about the case that surrounds the protests. he is up next. also, president trump making this 11-year-old boy's dream of mowing the white house lawn come true. ♪ ♪ if a denture were to be
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>> hey, hey, ho, ho senate that's racist cops have got to go pete: we are back with a fox news alert. chaos in st. louis overnight.
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an american flag in flames and police under attack and more protests expected today. abby: a formal officer's acquittal and the death of a black man now sparking that violence. former cop jason stockley shot drug suspect anthony smith in a 2011 fatal shooting. people outraged over the judge's decision. forcing police in full gear. pepper spraying violent crowds as demonstrators throw bottles and bricks at them. todd: 32 protesters under arrest and 10 police officers injured one possibly breaking his jaw. police also recovering a handgun during the demonstration. that was in the mayor's neighborhood. right now we want to bring in kevin jackson. is he a fox news contributor live from st. louis. kevin, before we get into the nitty gritty of this. let's talk about the city of st. louis to begin with. how would you describe the safety of that city on a day in and day out basis without protesters? >> well, i believe it's one of the most dangerous cities in the country. i believe that forbes just recently rated it that.
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literally where i'm standing, where the mayor lives, if you go a couple of blocks north, you would be in one of the worst areas of st. louis. the probability of you getting killed would grow geometrically if not exponentially to our left is east st. louis another dangerous place. look, we are in a very dangerous environment where police are needed and the last thing this city needs is for somebody denigrating cops yet again when we're talking about who tried to run over police officers. that's where people are missing the outrage. we keep talking about everything that the police did after the fact the police did not seek out anthony lamar smith. they came out on a crime scene and he ran. everything that has happened since then has nothing to do with the police outside of -- and it should be investigated. we understand the tragedy, but the real tragedy is that anthony lamar smith was dealing heroin and we acted as if he is rosa parks.
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this man should have surrenders and we wouldn't even be having this conversation. pete: kevin, as far as the police there their response getting bottles and bricks. some in the mainstream media talk about their tactics back at these so-called protesters. what more, if anything, county police do in light of the misinformation campaign being waged against them? there is not much that they can do when they don't have the support of the mayor who i'm standing in front of her home, it makes the problem even worse. look, guys this is not a st. louis problem. this is a problem that's all over the country. police are being vilified and the job they have to do is in the worse areas of these cities in the neighborhood i live isn't bad. i want to see police presence. after a mayor's home gets attacked there are police officers stationed all over this neighborhood to make sure that it doesn't happen
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again. but in neighborhoods where they need it like in newark city where people are being killed every day we don't have that police presence. this is not limited to st. louis. by the way all these cities are dying. 850,000 people in 1950 to 350,000 population. go look at the cities sta tis particular force baltimore. well over a million people doirch to 600,000 plus. these cities are in a death spiral fort re reason that leftist want us to believe that police are the bad guys, look, folks, if people with r. taught the real lesson here which is when police officers come to you and want to do something because they are doing their jobs, if we surrender or just say we're good, everything goes. almost everybody we talked about in the last few years would be alive without that. abby: you talk about police officers. >> had they done that. abby: how many incredible heroes there are out there protecting all of us every single day. there is one professor who
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tweeted out about teaching future dead cops. he has now been suspended. this is his tweet. he says some of y'all might think it sucks being anti-fascist teacher at john j. college i think it's a privilege to teach future dead cops. this is one professor as an example. but it just speaks to the rhetoric that's being used today and why the morale of police officers have suffered. >> you know abby, good point. we have hollywood people that want to cut off the head of the president or kill him. there is hardly a day that goes by now that somebody doesn't threaten the president will r. threaten police. this have children an lives, they take off the uniform what are they then? are they not americans? we act as if they have been dropped here another planet to play gestapo. police officers, if you give them a choice, they would rather be in a nice neighborhood than covering the neighborhoods where the
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neighborhood where i live. they would much rather cover a nicer area of st. louis because they know what they run into. they come in to harm's way yet we have a group of leftists and handful of people in st. louis over this particular incident that want to make these people out to be inhuman people who hunt blank blacks. that is ridiculous. abby: we had a story about a police officer's life recently. she said the best feeling that a family has for a police officer is when you hear that velcro coming off when they get home at the end of the day because you know they are home safe. this is what they feel every day they kiss their loved ones goodbye in the morning. they don't know how the day is going to unfold. this is just the new reality we are in. kevin jackson, thank you so much. todd: wow, it is amazing when you think about it what they face and what they do every day for us. you. pete: you kids your kids to college and maybe they are being taught by antifa. think about this anti-fascist antifa teaching kids, that's pretty standard, unfortunately. especially in new york city. todd: that language is
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unbelievable. abby: turning now to other headlines we are following. teenage girl in the slender man stabbing will avoid prison. she will be sent to a mental hospital for three years. she admitted stabbing a classmate in 2014. she told investigators that she and co-defendant morgan guiser did it to please the fictional horror character slender man. guiser pleaded not guilty by reason of mental disease. her trial starts in october. that's disturbing. not so fast. undocumented immigrants in maryland will not be allowed to you vote in local elections after all. college park city council voted on tuesday in favor of that measure. it turns out it did not actually pass because it did not have the city charter's required number of votes to adopt the much debated measure. at least six other maryland communities currently allow noncitizens to vote in their elections. and homecoming season is here and students at one school must now submit photos of their dress before they even buy tickets.
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students in the high school in wisconsin must submit a picture of themselves in their dress to female counselor for approval. the school says it will help avoid situations where students might be sent home from a dance for an outfit too revealing. parents are calling it sexist and micromanaging. i never had any of that back in the day. todd: neither did pete and i. abby: joey the kangaroo kicking hills way out of his pen at pumpkin farm in wisconsin and taking off down the highway. getting calls about an man mall hopping around the highway. deputies tracking joey down safely taking him back home. pete: kangaroo at the pumpkin farm in wisconsin. abby: there was a lot going on. only in wisconsin. todd: the red sox caught stealing secrets from my yankees using yankees watch. now both teams paying the price. steve. pete: as they should. nobody likes the yankees. todd: stop, pete. pete: president makes this
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♪ pete: welcome back to "fox & friends." quick headlines for you. j.j. watt raking in over $37 million. was thanking everyone posting to his fundraising page if there is one thing i have taken away the last few weeks reassurance of how much good is still out there in our world. the original goal was 200,000 bucks he ended at 37 million. incredible. major league baseball also raising money for hurricane relief after finding two teams. boston red sox accusations it used apple watches to steal signs, the league also
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fines the new york yankees as they should improper use of a dug out phone. i didn't know that was a thing but the yankees managed to do it. todd: they are using the money for hurricane relief and that's a good thing. abby: had you a busy week. todd: i had a busy last couple weeks but yesterday i had the chance to visit tom and joe's diner in altoona, pennsylvania yesterday. and i got some diner's thoughts on the current state of politics. take a listen. todd: president trump appears to have crossed the aisle working with democrats now. you say that's not a bad thing. why. >> i think he tried working with the republican party and they don't want him to mess up their routines now and i don't have a problem with him playing one against the other. i voted for donald trump gus i thought washington, d.c. deserved donald trump. is he not letting me counsel one bit. todd: you had an interesting take on daca because you said i don't want to kick people out but i do want a wall. explain that. >> well, i do want a wall
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for illegal immigration. the people currently in the country, i don't have a problem with them being eventually allowed some path if they get in the back of the line and don't jump the line in front of other people. i really think that the daca thing was no fault of their own and i think, you know, president obama kind of opened this door and so it's hard to shut it now. pete: also a trump voter but bob says he is not sure he loves the fact that trump is necessarily working with the democrats. why do you say that? >> i don't want to upset the base i know trump has to do what trump has to do. i know the percentage of the g.o.p. is not working with trump. trump is not protecting the establishment. percentage of the g.o.p. they are not going to work with trump. i think it's a very sad situation, you know, basically trump has to do what he has to do. and i think some of the base will be upset. todd: bob, thank you. i want to go to matt.
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matt is the mayor here in altoona, pennsylvania. he is the one that greeted president trump, announced then candidate trump when he was here in 2016. i want to get your take as a politician reaching across the aisle. what do you make of that? >> i think it's important to do as an elected official. you know, you need to be able to come to a compromise with everybody that you have to work with to get things done that you want to get done. so, i have no issue with it and it's refreshing to see. todd: you said you do not mind him working across the aisle. why? >> well, his own party won't get behind him. the democrats, when they have an issue, they all get together as a cohesive group and go in one direction. the republicans seem to be in a diffuse manner where everybody has their own agenda. and if the president has to do what is he doing to get something accomplished, well, that's what he has got to do. now, i'm not saying that he is going to give everything to the democrats that they
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want, trump is a pretty smart guy. and i don't think that he will give them more than what they ought to get. todd: had you a really interesting take on daca. why don't you explain that. >> i think we need to help the -- what were once kids in the daca program. i'm not sure how that's going to be done. but i, you know, i think we need to not send them back. we, you know, congress needs to get up and do something. they need to quit using all of this immigration stuff as a political pawn or tool or whatever. i'm for immigration legal and there are too many -- we have been giving too much away to illegal immigrants. and people that are trying to do it the right way should not be pushed back for these daca people, but we still need to help the kids who are now a lot of them adults but they also should realize at this point that they need to take some responsibility to become legalized themselves. todd: a lot of common sense there. todd: that's what the people
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said. they also very generous in altoona. they gave us pretzels. pete needs to eat every 10 minutes. pete: i didn't know pretzels was a thing in altoona. abby: favorite snrak of all time. todd: do they make you thirsty. abby: thanks for the snablegs. pete: i'm trying to read and chew. sending a clear warning about president trump. >> i think this president and some of the people around him pose a clear and present danger to our country. pete: really? abby: president trump making this 11-year-old's dream of mowing the white house lawn come true. that little grounds keeper is joining us next. we cannot wait for that little frank. pete: here he is. ♪ sing you a song ♪ you make me want to roll my window down
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♪ ♪ abby: it was an 11-year-old's dream come true when he got to cut the grass on the white house lawn. >> this is frank. he's going to be very famous. he is going to be a navy seal some day. he is going to do great things for our country. thank you, man. you take care of yourself. okay? abby: so adorable. joining us now is frank. good morning. thanks for being with us. pete: good morning, buddy. >> hey. abby: how exciting was that we said it was a dream come true. was it a dream come true to mow the lawn. >> yeah, it really was especially when the president came over. pete: we all saw the video. you are kitting that straight line down the lawn. and off to your side up comes the president of the united states. frank, you just kept mowing. that focus on your mission. >> well, i knew that he was like -- let me put it this
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way. i knew he was very impressed and i thought he wanted to be going with me. so i kept mowing, but he gave me a couple comments. it was actually pretty cool when he came up. abby: what did he say to you when he came up to you? >> he said great job. keep going. abby: pretty special. what does that mean to you? are you someone that has followed president trump and his campaign? how special was it for you to be there and for him to come and talk to you. >> it was really, really really cool. todd: tank the tank i'm going to call you. let's talk about your business. you are a businessman. that's why you identify with president trump. you have a pretty good thing going there. tell us about it. >> yeah. so i have two and a half clients. todd: nice. >> and the half i mean, some people just pop up, so i will do it for them really quick. but they are not my every day customer.
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todd: looking ahead for your business, this is a lot of publicity. the whole nation is watching you mow the white house lawn. do you think you are going to grow? >> yeah. i should. abby: you also got to go inside the white house. right? you got in-to-go in the oval office and the press briefing room. tell us what that was like. >> it was really cool. especially when the president said very few people get to come in there who are just visitors. pete: that's very true. you don't just waltz into the oval office that's for sure. todd: especially with john kelly there. pete: you wrote the president a letter saying i want to mow the white house lawn. where did that letter come from and did you ever think the president would actually answer your letter? >> well, my last one, which went to president obama, i got a letter back, but i don't -- but i know it wasn't handwritten. so, i knew that this one was actually better when sarah
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took it to the briefing room. todd: there you go. abby: good luck with your business. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. todd: big final hour ahead. do not go anywhere. stay with us. should talk to their doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. ... and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country,
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>> this is a fox news alert chaos and violence erupting in the city of st. louis. a former officer's acquital sparking violence. >> [applause] >> ten officers injured nine are st. louis cops, one highway patrolman. >> after you have these emotional fits you have to look at the facts. >> move back, move back. >> police lives matter too, period. >> a fox news alert british police arrest an 18-year-old in connection with the terror attacks on a packed london train >> in most cases, the path is very clear. these are young males drifted into drugs and extreme forms of
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islam. >> president trump: radical islamic terrorism. it will be eradicated believe me >> north korea's missile launch yesterday was further than any previous missile launch fired by kim. >> jon: 's regime. >> there is a military option. we are going to be doing this. >> what do we need to know? >> don't try and be an individual. have fun. don't take yourself too seriously you'll get covered in mud. >> todd: we begin the 9:00 a.m. hour with a fox news alert british police making an arrest in connection with the london subway terror attack. >> abby: this as isis claims responsibility for the rush hour explosion that injured more than a dozen people. >> clayton: could have been even more. ellison barber is live in washington d.c. with more on the response coming from the white house. good morning ellison. >> reporter: good morning all of you. british police say the investigation is ongoing but the arrest of an 18-year-old is "
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significant." police say he's tied in some way to friday's early morning bombing that injured at least 29 people, some children heading to school. the 18-year-old man is being held for questioning under the terrorism act according to police he has not been charged and they have not publicly identified hip. he was arrested in dover a coastal town in england. it's a major port for ferries that are heading over to france and coming back to britain. police will reportedly transfer the man to a london police station and question him there. isis claims responsibility for the attack. prime minister theresa may raised the threat level from severe to critical. that's the highest threat level and means an attack could be imminent. pete, abbey, todd? >> todd: ellison barber live in washington d.c., thank you. they're raising the threat level from severe to critical and when you dive into the numbers you understand why. >> abby: as they should. >> pete: there are over 35 known radical islamics in the uk 3000
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of which are openly potentially terror recruits or involved already, 500 of which are monitoring around the clock and we had nigel on earlier talking about the amount of resources that takes in order to prevent an attack like this you just can't stop it all and these folks are here as enemies in your own country and infiltrated silently. thankfully nobody was killed by this bombing but it's once again another wake up call. >> abby: it could have been worse so yesterday when this was breaking president trump was tweeting out saying we've got to get tougher. we've got to get smarter and more vigilant to that, you had the mayor there in the uk theresa may criticizing saying you can not jump to conclusions when this is still under investigation. we had nigel on the show earlier and we asked him about the president's rhetoric and tweets yesterday and the reaction from the mayor and here is what he said. >> whether trump is right in that the people behind this would notify the authorities already we don't yet know but in most cases the pattern is very clear. these are young males who have
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dropped out of education who have drifted into drugs and extreme forms of islam and nearly every single case, they are known to the authorities. the real question that theresa may is going to confront is what do we do with the 3000 people living in britain who are suspected terrorists? 500 of them have a permanent trail. the rest don't and that is something the british government is going to very seriously have to get to grips with. >> abby: they have a real challenge on their hands and by the way i said mayor theresa may but either way london has a real challenge ahead. >> clayton: absolutely and that's why the president went out yesterday and said we've got to be tougher and smarter. this is what he said. >> president trump: it's a terrible thing. just keeps going and going and we have to be very smart, we have to be very very tough which perhaps we're not nearly tough enough. we have to be tougher and we have to be smarter. thank you. >> clayton: when the president talks like that he gets attacked
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for being too mean but when they talk all nice there in england, look what happens. i mean they have had terror attack after terror attack we're trying to keep our homeland safe >> clayton: well everyone says thoughts and prayers and do you know what i respect the heck out of prayers and the power of prayers are real but prayer without action is nothing. it's not you have to follow through and actually decide you're going to be serious about this internal threat that you have. if you're living in london today you're living under a terror umbrella. you live in the west but you've been invaded and you have a leader in theresa may whose not been serious about this a lot of criticism of her time as the homeland secretary there and now you have president trump saying we have to be politically incorrect willing to call out what it is radical islamic terrorism because they've infiltrated us. the amount of radical mosques in london is shocking. they're living on an old code of police enforcement as opposed to being on a war footing especially after the migrant crisis that invaded the entire continent. this is only the beginning and no one wants to predict that or
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say that but that's what president trump is speaking to. guys it's big boy time. time to be serious we're under assault from islam it'ses either we address that or we don't. >> abby: the threat is very real not just in the uk. we've heard isis this is what they have been talking about a new wave of attacks and their magazine is these types on subways and on trains where there isn't nearly as much security compared to airports and other places so this is a very real threat not just in the uk but here at home and that's why it's so important. >> pete: they have a play book and they publish it online. >> clayton: it is a very busy news morning let's go to another fox news alert. protesters raging out of control after a former police officer was acquitted in the death of a black man. >> abby: police in full riot gear pepper spraying violent crowds as demonstrators throw bottles and bricks aim them in st. louis. >> clayton: 10 police officers hurt in the chaos. our own griff jenkins is in outside the mayor's house in st. louis. good morning griff. >> reporter: good morning todd, abbey and pete.
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it started peaceful the protest but it turned violent last night culminating here i'm outside st. louis mayor's home look at the windows smashed, red paint thrown up on the home around the corner also another couple of windows break but look at the video from last night. it's just a scene all too familiar with the streets here just three ago after the michael brown protest inferring you son. last night we saw the protesters stopping on cruisers and throwing bricks and nine st. louis cops one highway patrolmen , 32 people were arrested and they burned american flags and a gun was recovered a very troubling part of this protest because if it's peaceful you certainly don't want guns among these protesters as they turn violent when night falls. we actually talked to the neighbor of the mayor here, immediately next door he was out walking his dog jerry mcadams. here is what he said about what happened here last night. take a listen.
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>> seems like when people are angry, they reach out and strike out at whatever seems close, and the mayor is close and she's represented the central corridor for 20 years. >> reporter: so again, what happened here yesterday morning, a ruling from judge timothy wilson acquitting officer jason stockley in the 2011 murder of anthony lamar smith. there are more protests planned today as early as 10:30 and a u2 concert tonight where there's social media rumors where they may try to shut that concert down so it looks like this will play out again today. guys? >> abby: who wants to shutdown u 2? griff live on the ground thank you so much. >> pete: they're not protesters when they do that they're criminals. >> abby: right. >> pete: we have kevin jackson earlier on a fox news contributor who lives in st. louis and here is what he has to say about what's going on overnight. >> we're in a very dangerous environment where police are
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needed and the last thing the city needs is for somebody dene greating cops yet again when we're talking about a heroin dealer who tried to run over police officers. we keep talking about everything that the police did after the fact. the police did not seek out anthony lamar smith. it came up on a crime scene and he ran and it should be investigated and we understand the tragedy, but the real tragedy is that anthony lamar smith was dealing hair o in and we act as if he's rosa parks. this man should have surrendered and we wouldn't be having this conversation. >> pete: it's perfect. the real tragedy is what's happening in our inner cities with these young men and black families and others where drugs and gangs and this heroin again i font want to take it all back to president trump but it's that understanding of the forgotten person. it's not the guy the heroin dealer that got into a bad situation it's all those people whose kids are sold drugs who are in failing neighborhoods whose schools don't work for them. they're the ones underserved.
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they're the victims not this guy selling crack. >> abby: look everyone deserves to be treated equally and there were a lot of peaceful folks on the ground last night that were fighting for their own rights and that is all good and well, i think we should all support that but there's a real difference between we've been talking about the emotions of this and the facts and that's what kevin jackson was getting to when you watch this video and you actually understand what happened in this situation, but coming from a lawyer brain todd which neither one of us have that's where the focus needs to continue to be. >> pete: look it's tough at times because we're all emotional people, we're human you have emotions but situations like this you need to pars the facts and make determinations off of that. i'm not saying the cop in this plus was completely 100% in the right but when you look at the facts of the case you understand why he did what he did. >> pete: the mayor of st. louis a liberal democrat when are voters going to hold them accountable for the failure of inner cities generation after generation? >> abby: well they were throwing bricks at his house. well more on this coming up but
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we do have other headlines a one -two punch to president trump 's immigration policy first call call is one step closer to becoming a sanctuary state the state senate voting overnight to pass that measure sending it to the governor's desk that would expand protections for illegal immigrants when they come into contact with law enforcement so this comes as a federal judge in chicago temporarily blocks the justice department from denying public safety grants to sanctuary cities that don't and with its crack down on illegal immigration. well the first lawsuit now being filed against a florida nursing home where eight people died. a power outage from hurricane irma shutting down the air conditioning system leaving patients in sweltering heat. a victim's family suing the rehabilitation center of hollywood hills for neglect. this as the nursing home claims several state agencies never responded their pleas for help. the governor is disputing those claims. and one month after the deadly charlottesville protest richmond , virginia braces for similar violence today. a neo-confederate group planning a heritage not hate rally.
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the group planning to protest in front of the robert e. lee confederate monument. one member of the group saying she hopes nobody loses their life today on either side. we're all hoping for that and president trump celebrating the 70th anniversary of the u.s. air force. the president addressing members of the architecture force at joint base andrews and even using a bit of humor. >> president trump: i just met a lot of these folks they're better looking than tom cruise and we know they can fight better and we know they can fly better. they better be able to. >> [applause] >> abby: first lady melania trump joining the president for the visit taking time to make paper planes and chat with the kids at the base youth center. >> pete: i lovemaking paper airplanes but that one didn't go very far. >> abby: she tried. >> pete: you can't be great at everything. it's a fact. well, a fox news alert north korea's dictator kim jong-un saying his country is closed to completing its nuclear program so what should the u.s. do next
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plus a celebrity chef joke he wants to poison the president's food. who should we have on to get fired up and react? oh, that's right dan bongino, he's live. >> abby: and we have pete and todd getting ready this morning. >> pete: i'm getting ready. >> abby: they will hit the floor i'm telling you, you don't want to miss this later on this hour. been trying to prepare for this day... and i'm still not ready. the reason i'm telling you this is that there will be moments in your life that... you'll never be ready for. your little girl getting married being one of them. ♪ ♪
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but can also loweresterol, your body's natural coq10. qunol helps restore this heart-healthy nutrient with 3x better absorption. qunol has the #1 cardiologist recommended form of coq10 qunol, the better coq10. >> todd: 16 minutes after the hour now and a fox news alert north korean leader kim jong-un now vowing to complete the rogue nations nuclear program despite sanctions from the sun at comes after the country launched yet another ballistic missile over japan making this their 15th missile test this year, so the question becomes how should the u.s. deal with this regime. joining me now is the director of defense studies at the center center for the national interest , harry cosiana.
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sir thank you so much for joining me and i want to ask you this one question. there are a lot of theories going on right now on tv. which places that fly the american flag can be hit by north korean missiles as we sit here right now? >> good morning todd well that's an excellent question. if you break it out and you think about asia, i would argue that actually most u.s. bases in asia, the north koreans can probably hit. probably with a very crude capability keep in mind they don't have precision- guided-missiles like the united states or russia or china, but the sad news, they don't need them any more. the hydrogen bomb tests that they did just a few days ago shows that they have the capabilities to deliver something like 250,000 tons of t nt. when you have that much fire power todd, you don't need to be accurate. you are destructive enough. >> todd: okay harry but what about honolulu, los angeles, chicago, new york what about the u.s. homeland? >> so i would argue that they
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can hit the united states homeland in a very crude capability. again, i don't think they have the precision to smack a nuclear warhead on the white house or the sears tower or something like that but i do think they have that crude capability to hit major targets to hit air bases, to deliver a nuclear weapon to millions of americans, and that's why i think the trump administration has done the hard thing here and made this the top national security priority for the country. >> todd: this is not an easy question by any stretch of the imagination. countless administrations have struggled with the north korean problem, so with that in mind, you say we need to act now. we can't sort of deal with this and say oh, this is tough we have to punt it. you say we need to act now. why specifically as we sit here on september 16 do you say now is the time to act? >> well you know what todd the challenge here is this. i don't want to wake up 10 years from now with the north koreans having 150-200 in continental ballistic missiles that can reign destruction on death on every major american city. i don't want to live in a world like that.
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now, i don't, i'm not an advocate of right now using military force. i think that as the president other senior officials have laid out that's the last option. what we need to do though is we need to cut the north koreans off the financial diplomatic and financial map of this planet. we need to impose the most toughest harsh its sanctions we can on that regime because you've got to remember in order to build nuclear weapons it takes a lot of money. we need to take that money away from them. >> todd: for that we all know it it's all about china. have to deal with china. harry thank you so much for being here. we'll have you on a few more times to talk about this this problem is not going away. he was supposed to be giving out life saving information to people fleeing hurricane in in in are but a little bit of a problem. this sign language interpreter may have been a fake. alan here now with how we can coming to as identity politics divides the country. he's joining pete and abbey on the set and we'll talk to him when we come back. ♪ walk this way, talk this way,
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your entire dvr. top networks. and live sports on the go. included with xfinity tv. xfinity, the future of awesome. >> pete: we've got the sports headlines for you if you consider espn sports these days are you ready for some college football there are major match ups set for today we've got louisville taking on clemson, texas at usc, and the action all starts with lsu battling mississippi state and for nfl fans that's tomorrow and espn is still battling its reputation after anchor jimmy o' hill's comments calling president a white supremacist and now espn president john skipper sending a companywide e-mail asking employees to remain apolitical regardless of their opinions. espn is about sports and not a political organization we'll see about that. >> todd: this was the scene in st. louis overnight.
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an american flag in flames police officers attacked after a former police officer was acquitted. >> abby: these pictures commas the mayor faces outside threats of course from isis and north korea, but alan says now is the time for our country to unite, not be further divided and he joins us now the harvard law professor and author always good to have you and in person this morning what a pleasure. >> i'm back from martha's vineyard here in new york. >> pete: nice to have you. >> abby: it's a great time to have your voice because you wake up this morning whether it's the protest, whether it's north korea always been dealing with isis it does feel so divided right now. how do we move forward? >> well it is divided because both the hard right and the hard left engage in identity politics but the hard left we're not going to listen to you unless you're black, unless you're transgender your identity determines the quality of your ideas. the neo-nazi alt hard hard right says the same thing. if you're jewish forget about it we're not listening to you unless you're white so we have to get away from this racial
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identity politics, move us all toward the center. i love being on fox because here , i'm a liberal and many of you are centerist conservatives and we can talk and have a rational argument. let's bring the debate back to the center. >> abby: your a liberal who wrote an article recently about president trump having a big heart, took a lot of people by surprise and i'm sure you got a ton of criticism for that. >> look, i want to influence what the president does on daca, so i wrote the article in order to challenge him and say look, you say you have a big heart. if you have a big heart, get out there and say that if congress doesn't enact a reasonable rule to the dreamers you will do it and he went and did that, so if i can have that kind of influence on the president's actions, i'm going to continue to do it. the president is working now with democrats. that's a very good sign. i want to congratulate pelosi, schumer, and president trump, all of them for trying to work together to solve this difficult
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>> todd: i'll congratulate them when that actually happens but how do you move past it when the left and so-called mainstream media which is not mainstream at all any more characterizes president trump's position which is nationalism, america first, americanism regardless of your race or gender they classify that as white nationalist. history lick you husband. >> todd: but the hard right gets mischaracterized as if it's in sympathy when actually leaving in borders and citizenship and having a country is a pretty mainstream idea. >> we're having a dispute about what it means to be on the hard ride. i'm talking about the guys in charlottesville with kkk signs and neothat say. >> todd: of course. that number is a lot smaller than the hard left. >> well i agree. a, they're smaller and b, far less influential on college campuses look, ben shapiro, china a mainstream conservative talk on antifa a bunch of thugs, that should be called a gang, they come with their faces
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covered and have no interest in conversation and content. yeah, i agree with that they have much more influence on college campuses you won't get people even from the hard right being given an opportunity to talk on most college campuses. >> todd: let's go to the left because somebody like ben shapiro your former student whose an orthodox jew if i'm not mistaking is called a neo-nazi. that completely flies in the face of history. i got called a racist by congresswoman waters because i raised some questions about, you know, issues that she disagreed with. today, they throw around those words. if you don't agree with somebody , you're a white supremacist, your a nazi and we can't accept that. >> todd: it's not even close to accurate, it's the most comical how inaccurate it is. he turned it into comedy and said do you see this thing on my head? the hard right doesn't like that
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particularly. they don't like jews like me but you throw around look, truth doesn't matter any more. >> todd: sad. >> what side are you on? i love to quote my old grandmother from pole and. i would come home and say grandma, the brooklyn dodgers won and she would say yeah, but was it good or bad for the jews? >> todd: [laughter] >> that was her only criteria, today is it good or bad for gays , republicans, democrats why not is it good or bad for america? >> abby: so how do we move forward because it seems like it's so easy for everyone to throw around whatever names they want to, right? to side with whoever they want to, to say whatever you want about the president, about every day people. how do we move forward, how do we build back the respect? >> pete: or can we? >> well i like the fact that espn said look we're about sports and don't talk about why supremacy on the show. people have a right to express whatever views they want but when i go to watch football, i want to see a quarterback make a great pass. i don't care. >> todd: but they also fired
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conservatives, any conservatives said something like that they would have been canned so a nice press release is fine but doesn't that throw in the face of who espn really is? >> one thing we need is a circle of civility. harvard says manning a camp to be honorary whatever it has to saw the same rules right and left. espn has to have the same rules right and left. everybody has to be neutral when it comes to free speech. whatever berkeley does, with ben shapiro has to do the same thing when it comes to somebody on the left. we have to have uniform rules. we have to bring us all closer to the center, and let's talk, let's not shout. >> pete: such a great point if we can't agree on the rules like free speech. >> abby: circle of civility. >> todd: we wish you were the leader of the democratic party sir. >> abby: thank you so much. >> pete: thank you. >> todd: following on the footsteps of collin and 11 year old kid el school student decided he didn't want to stand for the ledge so how did his teacher respond? the controversial details coming up. >> pete: plus a celebrity chef
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joked he wants to poison the president's food. was that okay? dan bongino up next.
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>> [chanting ] >> todd: like it was never great maybe they need a history lesson but we're back with a fox news alert chaos in st. louis overnight, an american flag in flames and police under attack
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as even more protests are expected today. >> abby: a former officer's acquital in the death of a blackman sparking this violence. former cop jason stockley shot drug suspect anthony smith in a fatal shooting back in 2011. protesters expressing outrage over the judge's decision police as you can see responding in full riot gear pepper spraying violent crowds as demonstrators throw bottles and bricks at them >> pete: 32 protesters under arrest 10 police officers injured police officers recovering a handgun during the demonstration in the mayor's neighborhood and with that as the setup, let's bring in former secret service agent and former nypd officer and hopes of renegade republican dan bongino. first dan hope everything is good with your family down in florida just want to check in with that because i haven't spoken to you. good stuff? >> yeah, thanks for asking, man. everything is good, we're good. >> pete: look at st. louis now. i mean another example. have at it. >> yeah, this is just unbelievable. i mean directing your violence
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at the police officers as if the cause in major american cities dominated by liberals of all their problems is the cops. listen, i get it. i was a police officer. policing isn't perfect. we're all human beings. use of force situations when you're a police officer are always ugly in this case tragic. we get it, but guys, ladies there's a process for handling this. we have a court system okay? how is rioting bringing a gun to a riot, throwing things at police officers how does this solve anything? do you really think the cops are the problem? are the cops the problem of no jobs in baltimore, st. louis and cleveland? are the cops the problem of a faulterring medical system there are the cops the problem of really high tax rate to drive people out? do you think the cops are doing this? these are men and women, fathers , mothers spouses and brothers and sisters who go to work every day to keep your city safe. it's not perfect but directing your violence at them take that energy elsewhere and direct it to the politicians who destroyed these cities over the course of the last 60 years they're the
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ones who deserved that not the cops. >> todd: well said we want your take on another topic as well. a celebrity chef is i don't watch cooking tv. >> abby: i do, anthony bourdain. >> todd: he was asked by some paparazzi if he would host or cater a meal for the president and i believe we have some sound this is what he had to say. listen. >> if trump was going to have a bit of a summer and they want to adjudicate us, what would you serve? >> hemlock. >> pete: there you go poison the president. yeah, you know having been a secret service agent, this is i get it. we do these commentaries and they're celebrities so you push some of it off but i say to any hollywood person or entertain earlies ening this isn't funny. there are really psychologically disturbed people out there i've been involved with personally. these aren't fantasy stories i'm telling you. these are real-life events i was involved in.
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we're really psychological disturbed people want to do harm to secret service protection and the president and their families you don't know when you say something like that you don't know what that means to someone whose not thinking clearly who may have psychological disturbances. this isn't funny or the joke. i used to respect this guy. he flies around the world eating fried crickets and whatever indonesia down in the bahamas that's real great. his show is okay. now, i have to tell you i throw this guy in with a group of liberal thinkers who can't think for him himself. the most cowardly thing in the world is toy saw something stupid about trump. you want to say i don't like the guy's policies that's okay but totally inappropriate to threaten the man's life or say something personally about it but this guy lost all respect from me. i couldn't believe he did that. >> abby: dan that is so well said. i totally agree with that so we always talk on the show about the important role that police officers play in our life and we're talking about that today
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with what happened last night in st. louis. well there's one professor that focuses on the police officers as being bad. tweeted out about teaching future dead cops. this is professor mikize as diagnose son, who says some of you all my think it's anti- fascist teaching at john j. college but i think it's a privilege to teach future dead cops and he's since i believe been suspended from that school but just your reaction again to the language that's being used. >> yeah, mike, if i can call you that, professor mike, you know you think it's a privilege to talk to the kids of those dead cops too as they're sitting there at breakfast the day after something happens and there's a little empty seat at the table and mom or dad doesn't show up because they were shot or killed you coward. you're like the couple on the bottom of my garbage can. the fact that you take money from taxpayers to teach at a law enforcement centered college in new york city and then you take that money and go on your social media, hiding behind a keyboard and cowardly seem to incentivize
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the death of good men and women trying to protect your communities, you are the worst kind of human life on the planet you're an absolute disgrace. i dare you to look into the eyes of those kids who will never ever see their parents again, who died defending communities and for nothing for almost no money. no cops getting rich unlike you off the taxpayer and then doing this. this guy is a disgrace and a suspens is not enough. he should be terminated, john j. makes their own decisions it's a free country but if i were a cop i'd never give this institution another dime while he's still there. >> pete: he's a professor of criminal justice at the john j. college and thinks something he tweeted back in august just caught people's eye now and you're right if he's only suspended not fired what a double standard. >> he's a professor of ignorance and he really should find another line of work. >> abby: some powerful words from you, dan always good to have you with us. thank you so much.
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>> todd: thanks dan. >> abby: turning to other headlines an illegal immigrant charged is being monitored by isis. authorities say data taken from eric panetta's tracking because let confirms the 18-year-old was in the area when a san francisco man was murdered in the street. less using the same data to connect him to five robberies and two other shootings and the deaf community is demanding an apology after an amateur interpreter signs gibberish during a press conference. manatee county officials tried giving crucial information during hurricane irma but instead the interpreter signed words like pizza, monster and beer. the man whose brother is deaf stepped in thank goodness last minute to help and correct that. also there's a teacher in detroit now on leave after being accused to force a student to stand during the pledge of allegiance. >> why did you feel the need to take me out of my chair? why couldn't you have just asked me? i still would have said no, but it's better than snatching me
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out of the chair. >> abby: well the 11 year old makes a pledge to god and family , not the flag. he says he's not stood for it since the second grade. the school district is now investigating that incident. and president trump makes an 11 year old's dream come true mow ing the white house lawn, this is frank. he wrote a letter to the president last month asking for the business opportunity. well president trump surprising him as he helped the groundscrew cut the rose garden grass. frank joined us earlier on the show to tell us what it was like to meet our commander-in-chief. here is frank. >> i knew that he was very impressed and i thought he wanted to go with me so i kept mowing, but he gave me a couple comments, so it was actually pretty cool when he came up. >> abby: frank also wrote a letter to president obama but he says this letter was much better help he found out the white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders read it at the press briefing. how adorable was he? >> todd: he currently has two
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and a half clients but after that segment he might have more. >> abby: he said half because they come and go. he's well on his way. >> pete: he's got side business too. >> todd: call frank if you need your lawn mowed. an espn host gets a slap on the wrist for calling president trump a white supremacist and the ladies on the view they mock ed president trump's marriage while slamming people who criticize hillary clinton. why the double standard? moly hemmingway is here to discuss next. >> pete: and hurricane season isn't over quite yet. rick richmuth tracking hurricane jose as it heads toward the east coast. >> abby: say it ain't so. and it is almost time pete and todd will faceoff oh, yes in the challenge out on our plaza. are you guys ready? >> todd: no. >> abby: [laughter] ♪ if you have bad breath and your mouth lacks moisture, you may suffer from dry mouth. try biotène®, the #1 dentist recommended dry mouth brand.
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>> abby: welcome back. more extreme weather hurricane jose is gaining strength in the atlantic that could threaten the east coast soon. rick richmuth is tracking the storm rick where is it headed and when? >> listen hurricane jose and something behind it that i'm even a little bit more concerned about unfortunately. as far as a hurricane season goes, the numbers we were expect ing a very active season and we are there. we've already hit all of our averages so far, and we have a long ways to go unfortunately. this is jose that you're talking about right now. its been looping up there across parts of the atlantic for the better part of two weeks will continue to pull towards the north i'd say stay out of the water this weekend across the beaches a lot of people want to get out there but very dangerous rip currents huge swells coming in from this because its been out there for so long but in the cone, potentially some sort of east coast impacts certainly some wind and rain especially across cape cod and the islands but i don't think we're talking about a direct hit from this and it little likely be a strong tropical storm, 60-70-mile an hour storm as it gets closer so all of our models still continue to pull this towards the north.
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that interaction with land, that's our big question there. all right, now we have a couple of other systems that are way out in the atlantic one tropical depression, we're not that worried about that one right now i think it will stay offshore. it's this other one that looks like it's going to get very close to the islands that were just raked by hurricane irma. obviously complete devastation and i will tell you abbey unfortunately probably about 10 days from now but we can't rule out an east coast impact. don't worry about if just yet but start thinking there might be another one out there unfortunately. abbey? >> abby: rick and you never know what's going to happen. thank you so much. well espn gave anchor jamil hill a slap on the wrist for accusing president trump of being a white supremacist but the sports network is reacting to hill and says very different from how its treated others in their honor talent with different views just one example of the media's double standard in covering president trump. here with more is fox news contributor and senior editor for the federalist molly hemmingway. good to see you thus morning.
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>> reporter: great to see you. >> abby: we talk about this double standard. everyone we talk to about what's going on with espn we say we just want to get scores no politics including but you think about curt shilling for being fired for showing his political views on social media. what's going on here? >> reporter: right i don't believe people should be fired for ill-advised tweets or what not but we need to have a consistent standard and espn has shown a lot of toughness with its employees. britt mchenry was suspended for two weeks for being upset with a tow truck company, curt shilling was fired for expressing his political views and a few years back an editor anthony federico was fired for using the phrase "chink in the armor" in the headline not because he had racist intent but because they worry people might perceive it as racist because the story was about former knicks point guard jeremy lin, so if you'll have that exacting standards for other employees it would be nice
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to see consistency when you have someone calling half the country white supremacist or calling president that as well. >> abby: actions always speak louder than words. molly let's talk about marriage because that's what every talk show needs to talk about these days so the view went that direction with hillary clinton. they had her on their show recently promoting her book and here is how that went down. >> many republicans have been very critical of your staying in your marriage. what is your response? why did you stay in your marriage? >> i hear that. people say oh, they have an arrangement. yeah it's called a marriage. and i think that it's time that we really tried to support people in their decisions and give them more understanding and compassion. >> and mind their own business. and to mind their own business. >> abby: all right, you heard that there mind your own business. well, this is what joy bayhart said about the trump marriage. what's their relationship like? is she suffering from stockholm
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syndrome? like a hostage up in the trump tower up there. >> [laughter] >> let down your hair, melania. >> abby: molly please help us. >> reporter: this one isn't so much about having the same standard as just having the proper standard and we see a lot of media going to one extreme or the other. in the case of clinton marriage i do think we need to be understanding that and even maybe respectful of the fact that they stayed together despite bill clinton's problems. at the same time there are credible reports he sexually assaulted women and credible reports that hillary clinton helped him in that by going after the women who accused him of wrongdoing. and on the other hand, this donald trump is not going to win husband of the year. he's been thrice married and previously bragged about women but the way we treat the current marriage which by all accounts is something that doesn't deserve to be attacked and that people make fun of melania. not a good idea. >> abby: totally and i don't think people care. let's move on from people's marriages and talk about the issues that matter most.
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molly hemmingway great to have you with us. >> reporter: thanks. >> abby: are you ready because i know i am. pete and todd are out on the plaza getting dirty about to do the tough mutter. i promise you don't want to miss this that's up next. like he's a part of our team. with one phone call, he sets me up with tailored products and services. and when my advisor is focused on my tech, i can focus on my small business. ♪ a dell advisor can help you choose the right products with powerful intel® core™ processors. ♪ whuuuuuat?rtgage offer from the bank today. you never just get one offer. go to and shop multiple loan offers for free! free? yeah. could save thousands. you should probably buy me dinner. no. go to for a new home loan or refinance. receive up to five free offers
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>> abby: oh, it is getting competitive out here. so a crazy idea into a multi million dollar global phenomenon the founder and ceo of tough mut ter, and author of the new book it takes a tribe and he's back to put pete and todd to the test and start getting ready. >> todd: give me a tip. >> when you get to the final obstacle keep running and grab a stranger's hand. >> pete: because my mom is watching you just said-- >> the most dangerous part of a tough mutter is to drive to a
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tough mutter. >> todd: okay. >> having done about 20 of these on the show i don't know that i agree with that. >> abby: do we count them down? should we do 3-2-1 go? let's give them a 3-2-1 go. [applause] >> [applause] >> 3-2-1-go! >> first up here, they are going to make their way and grab hold of it and rely on other people to spin it around for them. it looks prettier. >> abby: really? >> the water is perfectly clean so through the first obstacle, so we can see them. >> abby: but this is about teamwork right? >> it is all about teamwork. tough mudder is not a racist a challenge. we design the obstacle so you have to work together. you can see now they're getting
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boosted over the berlin wall. >> if someone is pushing you up over the wall what is the challenge? >> you still have to use your upper body and not everyone who does tough mudder is an elite athlete. it's the first time they have taken this on. >> abby: [laughter] >> so now they're all wet and muddy and then this is a big finale for them, this is everest they have to sprint up this. >> abby: you came up with this idea right? that's right. once you run in the mud you need to make this a race. >> abby: look how popular this is now. >> 3 million people have done it over 20,000 people had the tough mudder logo tatood on them. >> you also have incredibly good athletes doing this. >> abby: [applause] >> [applause] >> abby: we'll be right back after this. i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight-
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>> abby: we are looking at that video playback. kudos to pete and todd. this is worth the playback, todd going over the wall of the tough mudder. >> todd: sorry america. sorry you had to see that. >> abby: have a great saturday everyone. >> north korea and the cost of natural disasters all giant worries yet the markets keep hitting new highs despite it all so is wall street telling main street we're strong enough to handle it all? hi, everybody i'm dagen mcdowell this is bulls & bears. the bulls & bears this week, gary b. smith, jonas ferris, a lock with lee carter and jessica tarlove. welcome to everybody. gary k, what is the smart money telling us? >> well first off when you have all kinds of suppose ed bad news and the market has the best week we've seen basically all year it really tells you everything you t


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